Jef Murray 2014 Calendar Available (AL3P)
13 Aug, 2013
2013-8-13 9:02:04 PM UTC
2013-8-13 9:02:04 PM UTC

Jef Murray has been producing Tolkien inspired artwork for years, as well as from myriad other fantasy themes such as Narnia and his own imagination. His works have appeared in Amon Hen and Mallorn for The Tolkien Society, Mythprint for the Mythopoeic Society, Silver Leaves, made Beyond Bree newsletter and calendar appearances, and been exhibited at multiple conventions and galleries.
This year's issue is helping raise money for A Long Expected Party 3 (AL3P), a gathering in Kentucky where people can visit the Shire and meet other fans and friends.
From Jef Murray: "This is the third of my Middle-earth themed fantasy calendars, and the second produced in support of the ALEP gatherings in Kentucky. Within, you'll find full colour painting images from my Tolkien-inspired galleries, of scenes from Middle-earth."
This calendar marks moon phases, solstices and equinoxes, international holidays, plus includes visual cues for over 18 dates of specific interest to fans of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. It also includes a 17 inch tall centerfold print of Meduseld. Printed, with hole for hanging, 8.5"x11" wide. All calendars are signed by Jef and can have a short personalized note added by request. Half of the proceeds are going to support the AL3P gathering in Kentucky in September, 2014. $16.95 + shipping
Jef's Blog entry: ... 3p-middle-earth-calendar/
Order page: ... r_2014_Jef_Murray_Me.html
Al3P page: