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TCG Letter #1005

J.R.R. Tolkien
Brian Woledge
17 June 1926
Tolkien wrote to Brian Woledge, who was an ex-student. Few details are known on the letters contents.See also Letter from J.R.R. Tolkien to Brian Woledge • 21 November 1925 (#1003) and Letter from J.R.R. Tolkien to Brian Woledge • 15 June 1926 (#1004)[1]

One of three letters from the Leeds Library Collection.Brian Woledge studied for a BA Honours degree in French and English at the University of Leeds during the 1920s. He was the only student to choose a Medieval Welsh course offered in 1925, which was taught by JRR Tolkien, with E.V. Gordon sitting in. Tolkien left the University before Woledge completed the course. The letters, dated between November 1925 and June 1926, concern Woledge's academic work, and include a reference Tolkien wrote for Woledge (presumably unused). The letters are accompanied by transcriptions, interpretative notes and notes on Woledge's reminiscences of Tolkien collected by Julia Woledge, his niece. The file also includes copies of articles about Tolkien and Woledge, and a VHS copy of 'An Awfully Big Adventure', a documentary on Tolkien, broadcast in 1998.[2]

2 Brian Woledge studied for a BA Honours degree in French and English at the University of Leeds during the 1920s. He was the only student to choose a Medieval Welsh course offered in 1925, which was taught by JRR Tolkien, with E.V. Gordon sitting in. Tolkien left the University before Woledge completed the course. The letters, dated between November 1925 and June 1926, concern Woledge's academic work, and include a reference Tolkien wrote for Woledge (presumably unused). The letters are accompanied by transcriptions, interpretative notes and notes on Woledge's reminiscences of Tolkien collected by Julia Woledge, his niece. The file also includes copies of articles about Tolkien and Woledge, and a VHS copy of 'An Awfully Big Adventure', a documentary on Tolkien, broadcast in 1998.

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