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TCG Letter #294 / Carpenter Letter #127

J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin
14 April 1950
Relations between Tolkien and Allen & Unwin had begun to become strained as Tolkien felt that A&U were not open to publishing his work as he would have liked, and during this period Tolkien was introduced to Milton Waldman of the Collins Publishing Company. Tolkien had written a strongly worded letter in reply to an earlier letter from Sir Stanley, that remained a draftsee Biography, p. 210[1] and sent this letter in its place, still opening with a strong demand, to his proposal, a yes or no, and to his proposals made, not imagined ones.

Sir Stanley Unwin had included a portion of a letter from his son Rayner on the matter with his own letter to Tolkien, Letter from Sir Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien • 3 April 1950 (#1525)[2] possibly in error, or purposely for Tolkien to read. In it Rayner had suggested an edited Lord of the Rings including some history taken from his Silmarillion. Tolkien is not impressed with this suggestion.

Tolkien believes that Sir Stanley agrees with his son and that they have no intention to publish the texts as Tolkien wants, and suggests that Rayner's comments were included for him to read. He will wait to hear from Sir Stanley before saying any more on the matter.

In the 2023 revised edition of Letters, a few sections are added where Tolkien mainly talks about his failing health and dental issues that caused a delay in sending this letter.

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