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TCG Letter #95 / Carpenter Letter #61

J.R.R. Tolkien
Christopher Tolkien
18 April 1944
Tolkien expresses joy at receiving a batch of letters and, discusses the distressing but unsurprising uncensored accounts of Christopher's experiences, and reflects on the negative impact of wireless communications on thought. He shares counsel about enduring life's challenges, acknowledges the difficulty of trench life, and discusses the manners of the past as depicted by Jane Austen. Updates on the author's writing progress, social interactions, and daily activities are provided. The letter ends with an expression of how much he misses Christopher and reflections on the stupidity of war. He also mentions participation in a Christian Council, tutoring, and the arrival of spring.
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (1981), pp. 71-73, p. 438 (Carpenter notes)
Tolkien and the Great War, p. 94 ('war multiplies...', 'men and things')
Cartas de J.R.R. Tolkien, pp. 117-20, p. 624 (notas de Carpenter)
War and the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien, pp. 15, 67, 128, 129
Fæder his suna (Father to Son. FS) No. 17 [assumed]
Error in hardcover and Kindle: Beowulf > Béowulf p. 106. stem > stern p. 106.

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