Letter Tags
Further to her visit to see Tolkien, Susan Dagnall sends Tolkien a revised specimen page of The Hobbit and asks him to write a short blurb for GA&U to u...
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien on the matter of his visit to London to meet with him and C. A. Furth on 28 July. He notes that if they have heard from ...
Stanley Unwin sends Tolkien an advance of £25 for The Hobbit.
Stanley writes a short cover letter to Tolkien explaining that Rayner has had little time (going to boarding school on this day), but has scribbled down...
Writing to C.A. Furth, Tolkien says that he is required to visit London, to the Connaught Hospital in Walthamstow but had only a few hours notice but co...
Tolkien writes to Mr. Furth, expressing his current state of being oppressed and unwell due to recent troubles. He submits Farmer Giles for consideratio...
An unknown member of the George Allen & Unwin staff writes to Tolkien. Two more copies of The Hobbit have been found.
Tolkien had "dumped" the manuscript of The Lord of the Rings on Milton Waldman just as he was going on holiday, and Tolkien felt bad burdoning...
Rayner Unwin had written to Tolkien about 'Errantry' and this gave Tolkien an opportunity to see if he could get The Lord of the Rings publish...
Writing in reply to a letter from Beard (July 16th), Tolkien confirms he has received galleys that were wrongly delivered to his old address at 99 Holyw...
Tolkien arranges to visit Allen & Unwin in London with the manuscript for The Return of the King.
Tolkien writes to Stanley Unwin regarding Richard Hughes's opinion of The Lord of the Rings. Excerpts appears in Sotheby's Catalogue of Ninete...
Roger Lloyd writes to an unknown recipient about his thoughts on The Lord of the Rings and information that he had heard from his friend Philip Unwin ab...
Tolkien wrote to Christopher about #TCGLetter910.
Tolkien expresses his strong concern about the translation of The Lord of the Rings. As a professional linguist and the author of the work, he emphasize...
Tolkien expresses gratitude for a letter from GA&U and contemplates the idea of retiring in July and reflects on the financial and health implications. ...
Tolkien arranges to collect his International Fantasy Award "Rocket" from Allen & Unwin.
Tolkien was sent a 'facsimile' which he is able to use for class-work.
Writing to Allen & Unwin, Tolkien says that he has been sent five more copies of Sagam om Ringen, he notes that Swedish is not especially popular in Eng...
A series of letters found at the University of Reading GA&U archives. Consisting of 144 items. Not all of these letters are concerned with Tolkien but s...
A series of letters found at the University of Reading GA&U archives. Consisting of 172 items, not all of which concern Tolkien. Among the subjects disc...
A series of letters found at the University of Reading GA&U archives. Consisting of 28 items. Among the subjects of these letters concerns the export of...
In secret, Allen & Unwin had been putting a 'Festschrift' together to present to Tolkien on his 70th birthday. Tolkien writes to to congratula...
Tolkien really does not like the design of HMCo's Tree and Leaf. He comments negatively on Carole Ward's proposal for a serialization of The L...
Stanley Unwin sends a copy of the limited edition book Sir Stanley Unwin - The Celebration of his 80th Birthday to journalist Penning-Rowsell, which con...
Rayner writes to Mr Hooton about The Silmarillion. He describes Tolkien as "a perfectionist" and does not expect publication for a few years. ...
Tolkien writes to Rayner about his becoming Chairman of GA&U. A brief quote about Edith's health is reproduced in Chronology.
Tolkien writes to Mr Berry, the son of Leslie Berry, who was the sales manager for George Allen & Unwin. He writes about Runes in The Hobbit and some er...
Tolkien discusses the various meals that he has been treated to.
Guide to Tolkien's Letters
George Allen and Unwin
(29 letters match)1936
4 December 1936
Susan Dagnall to J.R.R. Tolkien
Further to her visit to see Tolkien, Susan Dagnall sends Tolkien a revised specimen page of The Hobbit and asks him to write a short blurb for GA&U to u...
24 July 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin writes to Tolkien on the matter of his visit to London to meet with him and C. A. Furth on 28 July. He notes that if they have heard from ...
6 September 1937
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin sends Tolkien an advance of £25 for The Hobbit.
3rd May, 1938
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley writes a short cover letter to Tolkien explaining that Rayner has had little time (going to boarding school on this day), but has scribbled down...
9 August 1938
J.R.R. Tolkien to C.A. Furth
Writing to C.A. Furth, Tolkien says that he is required to visit London, to the Connaught Hospital in Walthamstow but had only a few hours notice but co...
31 August 1938
J.R.R. Tolkien to C.A. Furth
Carpenter #33
Tolkien writes to Mr. Furth, expressing his current state of being oppressed and unwell due to recent troubles. He submits Farmer Giles for consideratio...
1 August 1944
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
An unknown member of the George Allen & Unwin staff writes to Tolkien. Two more copies of The Hobbit have been found.
5 February 1950
J.R.R. Tolkien to Milton Waldman
Carpenter #123
Tolkien had "dumped" the manuscript of The Lord of the Rings on Milton Waldman just as he was going on holiday, and Tolkien felt bad burdoning...
22 June 1952
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #133
Rayner Unwin had written to Tolkien about 'Errantry' and this gave Tolkien an opportunity to see if he could get The Lord of the Rings publish...
22 July 1953
J.R.R. Tolkien to W.N. Beard
Writing in reply to a letter from Beard (July 16th), Tolkien confirms he has received galleys that were wrongly delivered to his old address at 99 Holyw...
28 December 1953
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Tolkien arranges to visit Allen & Unwin in London with the manuscript for The Return of the King.
30 April 1954
J.R.R. Tolkien to Stanley Unwin
Tolkien writes to Stanley Unwin regarding Richard Hughes's opinion of The Lord of the Rings. Excerpts appears in Sotheby's Catalogue of Ninete...
c. 1 - 31 December 1955
Roger Lloyd to An unknown recipient
Roger Lloyd writes to an unknown recipient about his thoughts on The Lord of the Rings and information that he had heard from his friend Philip Unwin ab...
19 March 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #185
Tolkien wrote to Christopher about #TCGLetter910.
3 April 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Carpenter #188
Tolkien expresses his strong concern about the translation of The Lord of the Rings. As a professional linguist and the author of the work, he emphasize...
9 May 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #197
Tolkien expresses gratitude for a letter from GA&U and contemplates the idea of retiring in July and reflects on the financial and health implications. ...
10 October 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to Leslie Smith (Allen & Unwin)
Tolkien arranges to collect his International Fantasy Award "Rocket" from Allen & Unwin.
27 October 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to Leslie Smith (Allen & Unwin)
Tolkien was sent a 'facsimile' which he is able to use for class-work.
1 March 1960
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen & Unwin
Carpenter #222d
Writing to Allen & Unwin, Tolkien says that he has been sent five more copies of Sagam om Ringen, he notes that Swedish is not especially popular in Eng...
George Allen & Unwin to Houghton Mifflin Co.
A series of letters found at the University of Reading GA&U archives. Consisting of 144 items. Not all of these letters are concerned with Tolkien but s...
George Allen & Unwin to Penguin Books
A series of letters found at the University of Reading GA&U archives. Consisting of 172 items, not all of which concern Tolkien. Among the subjects disc...
George Allen & Unwin to Thomas Nelson & Sons Publishers
A series of letters found at the University of Reading GA&U archives. Consisting of 28 items. Among the subjects of these letters concerns the export of...
?19 November, 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #241b
In secret, Allen & Unwin had been putting a 'Festschrift' together to present to Tolkien on his 70th birthday. Tolkien writes to to congratula...
11 September 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to Joy Hill
Carpenter #264
Tolkien really does not like the design of HMCo's Tree and Leaf. He comments negatively on Carole Ward's proposal for a serialization of The L...
20th August 1965
Stanley Unwin to Penning Rowsell
Stanley Unwin sends a copy of the limited edition book Sir Stanley Unwin - The Celebration of his 80th Birthday to journalist Penning-Rowsell, which con...
23 May 1967
Rayner Unwin to Mr Hooton
Rayner writes to Mr Hooton about The Silmarillion. He describes Tolkien as "a perfectionist" and does not expect publication for a few years. ...
24 July 1971
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #326
Tolkien writes to Rayner about his becoming Chairman of GA&U. A brief quote about Edith's health is reproduced in Chronology.
9 May 1972
J.R.R. Tolkien to Martin Berry
Tolkien writes to Mr Berry, the son of Leslie Berry, who was the sales manager for George Allen & Unwin. He writes about Runes in The Hobbit and some er...
9 July 1972
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #339a
Tolkien discusses the various meals that he has been treated to.