Letter Tags
This letter (written and sent from Dublin) again concerns the festivities of Tolkien's reception of an honorary doctorate at the University of Liège on...
Tolkien informs Rayner that he will be in "Gondor" for a few days, but doubts that anything urgent will come up while he is away.
Tolkien says that he cannot answer Mr. Beard's questions until he is back home and has a proof copy of the final text of Return of the King to look at.
Tolkien remarks that his holiday in Italy only made him more tired and not at all rested. Combined with his anxieties over the Return of the King releas...
Tolkien discusses an invitation to visit the Marquette University the following spring as well health issues. He had been obliged to cancel plans to tra...
This letter sent on the same day as another (see #TCGLetter325) was to determine the practicalities of the visit to Marquette. The original letter, in t...
Tolkien writes to William Ready of Marquette to confirm to him his intention to visit Marquette the following year. The original letter and a complete t...
William Ready of Marquette writes to Tolkien acknowledging Tolkien's proposed visit in 1958.
Tolkien discusses his decision on moving house after retirement, and his frustrations on the work being done to his current residence. He discusses how ...
Guide to Tolkien's Letters
(11 letters match)1954
18 October 1954
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rector of the University of Liège
This letter (written and sent from Dublin) again concerns the festivities of Tolkien's reception of an honorary doctorate at the University of Liège on...
27 July 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #166a
Tolkien informs Rayner that he will be in "Gondor" for a few days, but doubts that anything urgent will come up while he is away.
11 August 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to W.N. Beard
Carpenter #166b
Tolkien says that he cannot answer Mr. Beard's questions until he is back home and has a proof copy of the final text of Return of the King to look at.
8 September 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to Katharine Farrer
Carpenter #168a
Tolkien remarks that his holiday in Italy only made him more tired and not at all rested. Combined with his anxieties over the Return of the King releas...
5 August 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to Jerome W. Archer
Tolkien discusses an invitation to visit the Marquette University the following spring as well health issues. He had been obliged to cancel plans to tra...
5 August 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to Jerome W. Archer
This letter sent on the same day as another (see #TCGLetter325) was to determine the practicalities of the visit to Marquette. The original letter, in t...
6 August 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to William Ready
Tolkien writes to William Ready of Marquette to confirm to him his intention to visit Marquette the following year. The original letter and a complete t...
26 September 1957
William Ready to J.R.R. Tolkien
William Ready of Marquette writes to Tolkien acknowledging Tolkien's proposed visit in 1958.
23 October 1958
J.R.R. Tolkien to Marjorie Incledon
Carpenter #212a
Tolkien discusses his decision on moving house after retirement, and his frustrations on the work being done to his current residence. He discusses how ...