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TCG Letter #903 / Carpenter Letter #298a

J.R.R. Tolkien
Clyde S. Kilby
ca. 3 December 1967
Autograph Letter Signed
In the Revised edition of Letters, there is brief extract where Tolkien talks about his serious health issues and complains about Joy Hill saying it was not ‘serious’.

Tolkien encloses a letter that he began earlier in the year,see Carpenter #298a: Letter from J.R.R. Tolkien to Clyde S. Kilby • ca. 3 December 1967 (#903)[1] and explains that he had never finished it.

he has organised for a copy of Smith of Wootton Major be sent to Kilby, with a signed autograph card enclosed. he says that a sale of the manuscripts would be of interest to him and he will consult his legal advisers on the matter. He notes that 'MSS' may be valuable to his heirs which he should consider.

He has been sent two copies of C.S. Lewis's Letters to an American Lady and finds it deeply interesting, but also notes that the letters from the other side being missing makes it feel like "listening to a telephone conversation from one end only".

Tolkien also enclosed a statement on the material that he has relating to Smith of Wootton major.

A portion of this letter is published in The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien: Revised and Expanded, 2023, with the remaining detailing gathered during a visit to the Marion E. Wade Center.

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