TCG Letter #2175
C.A. Furth
J.R.R. Tolkien
8 February 1939
In reply to Tolkien's letter of 2 February,Carpenter #35: Letter from J.R.R. Tolkien to C.A. Furth • 2 February 1939 (#39)[1] Furth tells Tolkien that the middle of June will be the latest date that GA&U can receive and have ready a work for the Christmas publication period. He says that GA&U prefer that they publish The Lord of the Rings and asks that they see what has been written so far.Tolkien had suggested Farmer Giles of Ham further to Mr. Bliss as an alternate publication if The Lord of the Rings was not ready.[2]
Furth includes accounts for 1938 and Tolkien's royalty payment for that period as well as an advance on his royalties for the Houghton Mifflin publication of The Hobbit.
Furth includes accounts for 1938 and Tolkien's royalty payment for that period as well as an advance on his royalties for the Houghton Mifflin publication of The Hobbit.
2 Tolkien had suggested Farmer Giles of Ham further to Mr. Bliss as an alternate publication if The Lord of the Rings was not ready. ↩