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UK First Edition Silmarillion Dust Wrapper Colours

12 Feb, 2008
2008-2-12 7:00:39 PM UTC

I have a fairly comprehensive collection of all the Impressions that exist (one doesn't) and Publishers of the GA&U Silmarillion from 1977.

Deagol states on his wonderful (forgot to say fantastic) website that there is a difference in colour on the dust jackets of the first export edition.

"The difference in colour between the two dustwrapper variants is subtle, but is noticeable when the two are placed next to each other."

I can't see this at all, all my copies look identical in colour, all 8 of them.

So if you have copies of the first Export Edition (printed by Clowes), can you confirm this statement, as I much I'd like to, I can't.
12 Feb, 2008
2008-2-12 7:18:15 PM UTC
Alas, I only have one Clowes copy ... but I'd love to acquire any variants that exist!
12 Feb, 2008
2008-2-12 9:33:38 PM UTC
>Deagol states on his wonderful (forgot to say fantastic) website

Too kind!!

Do your Clowes Export copies display the other features of the 2 variants?

1) Dark blue cloth binding, with blue and white striped headband and dyed blue top edge.

2) Dark blue textured paper binding, no headband and no dye to top edge.
13 Feb, 2008
2008-2-13 5:26:29 AM UTC
Yes, I have 2 copies of the first variant and one copy of the second variant.
13 Feb, 2008
2008-2-13 9:06:24 AM UTC
I checked my copies of the two Clowes Variants and there is indeed a difference in colour between the dustjackets (I would say, a more than subtle difference - it is quite noticeable).

Variant 1 (Top Stain, Headband, Cloth Boards) has a deep Navy Coloured Dustjacket.

Variant 2 (No Top Stain, No Headband, Paper Over Boards) has a lighter Navy Coloured Dustjacket with a Slight Purple tinge to it.

The Colour of the Variant 2 Dustjacket also matches that of the Billings Printing.

There is no fading to any of the dustjackets.
13 Feb, 2008
2008-2-13 8:30:40 PM UTC
Trotter - Can you see the colour difference between these images?

14 Feb, 2008
2008-2-14 5:51:40 AM UTC
It is obvious with those two examples, but not with my copies.

Scanning the covers did allow me to spot a difference between the export and domestic edition.

I have attached three scans of covers, one scan is the Billings First Edition (which does look a different colour to me), One scan is the Clowes First Export (with headband, and cloth) and the final scan is the Clowes First Export (Second Variant, Paper Cover no headband).

Can anyone tell which one is which?

(Answer 1 is the 2nd Clowes Variant, 2 is the Billings Domestic Edition, 3 is the 1st Clowes Variant)

10_47b3d681ec4ca.jpg 290X448 px

10_47b3d6a65c8bc.jpg 291X448 px

10_47b3d6bf0e9ac.jpg 296X448 px
14 Feb, 2008
2008-2-14 7:43:00 PM UTC
Is number 2 the Clowes First Export (with headband, and cloth)?
It looks more blue than blue-purple.
15 Feb, 2008
2008-2-15 8:20:06 AM UTC
Here are the answers to which cover is which?

Picture 1 - Clowes First Export (Second Variant, Paper Cover no headband)

Picture 2 - Billings First Edition (Domestic Edition)

Picture 3 - Clowes First Export (with headband, and cloth)

The Billings Edition is more Blue than Purple, but I think both of my Clowes copies have identically coloured blue/purple wrappers, which contradicts Remy's post as his copies are different.

So to sum up the two Export Edition variants can be seen in either coloured wrapper.
16 Feb, 2008
2008-2-16 7:49:26 AM UTC
I think this is a tricky area to pin down because the difference (can) be so subtle (and almost all description has used Hammond as a starting point). I have ~20 GA&U variants (although obviously not that many 1st/1st variants); and describing the shades is very subjective. I made a table for them all at one point; will post if I have anything worthwhile to add...

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