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23 May, 2015
2015-5-23 9:33:09 AM UTC
Couldn't enlarge the photo to read (but have one of these somewhere).

From memory (may be wrong) it is promotional leaflet/booklet issued with the 2nd Edition of the Lord of the Rings in 1966
23 May, 2015
2015-5-23 9:50:51 AM UTC
Could you scan it and post it here?

23 May, 2015
2015-5-23 10:02:40 AM UTC
I'll root it out when I get home later today and see what I can do.
23 May, 2015
2015-5-23 4:10:06 PM UTC
I've got one of these. Not at home to check, but my booklist says 1966.
23 May, 2015 (edited)
2015-5-23 5:50:44 PM UTC
Here are the photos.

The leaflet mentions the 3 volumes of the Lord of the Rings at 25s each - so this must be the 1966 Second Edition.


Also I had a GA&U promo letter filed with this leaflet (I think I purchased the leaflet and letter together). The Letter mentions the publication of Smith & Wootton Major in November - so this dates the letter to 1967. Whether the leaflet and letter were issued together:- Not sure on that one.


Anyway, 1966/67 seems to be the timeframe.
24 May, 2015
2015-5-24 5:34:59 AM UTC
8 Jan, 2019
2019-1-8 5:37:34 PM UTC
With thanks to Stefan Borgschulze on facebook for bringing this to my attention - here is the one-sheet advertisement flyer that was included with the 1978 Tolkien calendar from George Allen & Unwin, which lists the fortcoming books for the year:
- J.R.R. Tolkien: A Biography - first time in paperback
- The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth by Robert Foster - First UK release, paperback and hardback
- The Father Christmas Letters - first time in paperback
- The Tolkien Calendar 1979
- Map of Beleriand - 30" by 20" full colour poster map
- The Road goes Ever On - revised edition, which includes Bilbo's Last Song for the first time

If anyone has a copy of the Map of Beleriand, that's one I would love to add to my personal collection some day!

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8 Jan, 2019
2019-1-8 7:54:34 PM UTC
In response to Stefan, my friend Alan on Facebook shared his entire marketing portfolio that George Allen & Unwin sent out in the 1977/1978 timeframe (based on the dates of some of these, it seems clear to me that these didn't all come out at the same time), and gave me permission to share them here as well. Enjoy!

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8 Jan, 2019
2019-1-8 8:48:23 PM UTC
Someone else with the circular Silmarillion sticker!
13 Jan, 2019
2019-1-13 7:53:26 PM UTC
Wonderful. Love those posters and the circular sticker - never seen one.
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