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3 Jan, 2023
2023-1-3 4:19:15 PM UTC
I was wondering how long until this turned up

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3 Jan, 2023
2023-1-3 5:11:40 PM UTC
Lol, you are right. I bought the proof set from RM this morning, I was there to buy some bullion and just threw the proof set in the basket while shopping. Is the only difference between proof and premium proof the wooden box?
3 Jan, 2023
2023-1-3 5:49:15 PM UTC

billhinge wrote:

Lol, you are right. I bought the proof set from RM this morning, I was there to buy some bullion and just threw the proof set in the basket while shopping. Is the only difference between proof and premium proof the wooden box?

Yes, and they each feature a different “medal”.
2 Feb, 2023
2023-2-2 7:50:19 PM UTC
Still no announcement on the individual £2 coin, but the Royal Mint has this on its website

Royal Mint.jpg

The 2023 United Kingdom Brilliant Uncirculated Commemorative Coin Set

Price: £50.00

  • The first Annual Sets release to feature the world’s first official coinage portrait of King Charles III
  • Each coin features the definitive coinage portrait of His Majesty The King designed by Martin Jennings
  • Five new commemorative coins feature in the set, specially chosen for this year
  • Each coin is struck to Brilliant Uncirculated standard, which is a higher standard than the coins found in everyday change
  • Dated 2023, the coins serve as special keepsakes of a new chapter in numismatic history
  • Accompanied by fold-out packaging that offers insight into the anniversary, event or figure each coin celebrates ... d-commemorative-coin-set/
3 Feb, 2023
2023-2-3 5:45:26 PM UTC
Very nice coin sets but I only want the Tolkien coin.

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4 Feb, 2023
2023-2-4 7:33:01 AM UTC
As I say earlier in the thread, the individual coin will be released later in the year in a variety of denominations and metals (both base and precious) and with packaging (box, booklet) specific to Tolkien and the coin design.

So if this is the only coin one is interested in, there’s really no need to buy the entire set.
5 Feb, 2023
2023-2-5 4:54:49 AM UTC
See this link to register your interest for the individual coin release: ... -and-work-of-jrr-tolkien/

And of course there’s some information you’ve probably already seen about Tolkien and the coin design here: ... -and-work-of-jrr-tolkien/
11 Feb, 2023
2023-2-11 11:59:54 AM UTC
Thanks for that link, Eorl. I’m definitely interested in the single Tolkien coin release.

I have a small collection of coins which were given to me when I was a child. Most of them are the beautiful Churchill commemoratives which I think were originally issued in the 60’s. Of little value but lovely to own. Tolkien will be in distinguished company.
21 Feb, 2023
2023-2-21 2:37:23 PM UTC
1 Aug, 2023
2023-8-1 8:14:31 AM UTC
Just a quick post to let those who've been waiting for delivery of the royal Mint Tolkien commemorate coin sets know, that mine has just arrived today (in Aus).
Was starting to think I'd never see them. That, in part is true, they'll stay sealed up in their boxes for now.

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