Predictable Matt wrote:
Here they are.
I can't see or feel any indication of a cancel leaf (doesn't mean it's not there of course!) - I've included a photo.
From a little bit of searching online, I could see some pictures of 11th and 13th impressions where the impression is stated on the verso - but I couldn't find any of a 12th.
I am following up on Predictable Matt’s investigations into this odd US 1st Edition ROTK…
I have mostly exhausted my own resources and was wondering if anyone had a list of deltas between the US ROTK 1st Edition 1963 10th printing and the 1965 11th printing?
Specifically, I am looking for any corrections and/or introduced errors to the text block as the book transitioned from the UK A&U supplied sheets (10th printing) to US HMCo domestic sheets (11th printing).