By Urulókë
Last minute shopping?
21 Dec, 2008
2008-12-21 8:10:14 PM UTC
2008-12-21 8:10:14 PM UTC
Amazon dropped me a reminder that it's pretty much too late to ship a lot of things in time for the holiday next week, but... Gift Cards are instant! Tell your loved ones to get you a gift card so you can buy exactly what you want in Tolkien collectibles.
I know for me personally, my family never knows what to get me exactly, since "I have everything already" (not true, but from their perspective, the shelves full of Tolkien books all looks the same to them...)
I know for me personally, my family never knows what to get me exactly, since "I have everything already" (not true, but from their perspective, the shelves full of Tolkien books all looks the same to them...)