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Unfaded UT 1st Ed. DJ

17 May, 2009
2009-5-17 2:32:35 PM UTC

[I'm not in anyway associated with this seller...]


Anyone else think this might not be a first state dj? Book is a 1st/1st, but I've never seen such an unfaded blue spine (-I have my suspicions.) I'm not a big fan of this sellers listings; but at least recent listings have had good copyright page photographs, giving the buyer the information the text of the listing sometimes lacks. Anyone got a 1st/1st this good?


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17 May, 2009
2009-5-17 3:01:58 PM UTC
Looks okay to me, but without pics of the flap corners to look for the indicator points, hard to tell for sure. I have (and have seen) dustjackets this nice - just have to keep the book away from most light for a few decades. :)
18 May, 2009
2009-5-18 7:58:57 AM UTC
I have a 1st/1st of UT which was stored in an A&U box (along with various other A&U titles) from new until about 4 years ago when I acquired it. It is absolutely mint with no fading, but I keep it stored in the dark to preserve the state. I can't imagine my copy is the only one that has been stored in darkness, so it is possible that is is genuine.

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