23 May, 2009
2009-5-23 2:00:08 PM UTC
Does anyone have any idea when the first Tolkien T-shirt might have been released? Is it time for a guide to "40 years of Tolkien T-shirts"?
- wellinghall
24 May, 2009
2009-5-24 10:26:19 AM UTC
I have a 1977 "Year of The Silmarillion" t-shirt somewhere.
26 May, 2009
2009-5-26 12:48:13 PM UTC
Thanks for that, Deagol; I didn't know about it, but I'm not surprised.
If you could put up a photo at some point, that would be appreciated.
- wellinghall
26 May, 2009
2009-5-26 8:19:04 PM UTC
Emphasis on 'somewhere'.
If I find it I'll post an image.
PS. While I was looking for it I did find a TS "I've got a Hobbit habit" t-shirt from 92!
27 Aug, 2009
2009-8-27 6:53:04 PM UTC
I would be interested in buying some. If anyone has some links I'd appreciate it.