29 Nov, 2015
2015-11-29 2:05:15 PM UTC
I have got issues 15, 16, 17 and 19 of Parma Eldalamberon for sale. If you are interested, please email me on andrew at avro707 dot force dot co dot uk with your offer.
- wellinghall
15 Jan, 2016
2016-1-15 2:51:25 AM UTC
Hey, are these still available? I just sent you an email about issue 17.
15 Jan, 2016
2016-1-15 8:43:26 PM UTC
I have a spare copy of #17 going too, lostinmirkwood!
Just PM me.
16 Jan, 2016
2016-1-16 8:02:07 AM UTC
My 17 has gone, but I do have 16 left, if that is of any interest.
- wellinghall
17 Jan, 2016
2016-1-17 2:29:01 AM UTC
It was just 17 I was after, but thanks for the reply, wellinghall!
Khamûl, I've sent you a PM.
5 Jun, 2020
2020-6-5 4:13:12 PM UTC
Hi, I'm looking for n. 17 too. Does anybody have a copy to sell? Many thanks.
5 Jun, 2020
2020-6-5 5:00:21 PM UTC
wellinghall wrote:
My 17 has gone, but I do have 16 left, if that is of any interest.
- wellinghall
I could use the 16 and 19 if still available. thanks!
5 Jun, 2020
2020-6-5 5:14:08 PM UTC
Hmmm... perhaps I need to "age out" threads after a while...
wellinghall's post is from 2016 - possible he still has these but keep that in mind (also I haven't seen him log in since 2018...)
I do have a spare copy of issue #20 but no-one is looking for that. ?
5 Jun, 2020
2020-6-5 5:37:53 PM UTC
I've confirmed with
wellinghall that his issues are all gone, sorry.
5 Jun, 2020
2020-6-5 6:53:45 PM UTC
Hasn't logged in since 2018!? :O