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J. R. R. Tolkien the Esperantist. Before the arrival of Bilbo Baggins

3 May, 2016
2016-5-3 4:31:53 PM UTC

I'm pleased to announce that 'J. R. R. Tolkien the Esperantist. Before the arrival of Bilbo Baggins' is now available to pre-order. Published by Cafagna Editore, 'J.R.R. Tolkien the Esperantist. Before the arrival of Bilbo Baggins' is a collection of essays by Oronzo Cilli, Arden R. Smith, Patrick H. Wynne with Foreword by John Garth (John Garth, writer) and an contribution by Tim Owen, secretary of the Esperanto Association of Britain. Cover by Adriano Monti Buzzetti and translation by Greta Bertani and Tim Owen. ... n-esperantist-before.html

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16 Mar, 2021
2021-3-16 11:06:21 PM UTC
I came across this book and it looks extremely interesting. Unfortunately, it's been quite complicated to order it from the publisher directly. It's not in Amazon or other online bookshops.

Has someone outside Italy managed to order it? Thank you!
17 Mar, 2021
2021-3-17 12:45:44 AM UTC

Ligandil wrote:

I came across this book and it looks extremely interesting. Unfortunately, it's been quite complicated to order it from the publisher directly. It's not in Amazon or other online bookshops.

Has someone outside Italy managed to order it? Thank you!

Yes, I ordered it from here, no problems. (I'm in the US.)
17 Mar, 2021
2021-3-17 2:53:36 AM UTC
Thank you, Philomythos! This is great.

Urgh, how I dislike shipping costs :
- book: 17,10 €
- shipping: 15,86 €
17 Mar, 2021
2021-3-17 3:15:57 AM UTC

Ligandil wrote:

Thank you, Philomythos! This is great.

Urgh, how I dislike shipping costs :
- book: 17,10 €
- shipping: 15,86 €

Be thankful you don't live in NZ !!! Shipping a single book is almost as much as our GDP these days.
17 Mar, 2021
2021-3-17 4:02:56 AM UTC

Stu wrote:

Be thankful you don't live in NZ !!! Shipping a single book is almost as much as our GDP these days.

Haha well, actually living in a country like NZ may be compensation enough
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