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Upside down elvish script Fellowship of the Ring - Ballantine March 1967

31 Jan, 2018
2018-1-31 4:46:58 PM UTC

I've had this copy of The Fellowship for years now and only just noticed the Elvish script for the one ring is upside down. I've had a really hard time getting any information about this. Would love to know if anyone here has any information about this?

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31 Jan, 2018
2018-1-31 5:02:58 PM UTC
The inscription was corrected with the 4th Printing (March, 1966). Here's a picture... the bottom is the 3rd Printing, the top is the 4th.

4451_5a71f6bf272b4.jpg 488X650 px
1 Feb, 2018 (edited)
2018-2-1 6:18:47 PM UTC
I am reminded of a great quote from garm, about the ring text being upside down.

'I cannot read the fiery letters' said Frodo in a quavering voice.
'No', said Gandalf, 'and I can't as well.'
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