By Urulókë
A Review of Hilary Tolkiens Black & White Ogre Country
21 Apr, 2010
2010-4-21 10:27:13 PM UTC
2010-4-21 10:27:13 PM UTC
Jason Fisher has kindly provided a in-depth review of Hilary Tolkien's Black & White Ogre Country to TCG.
It’s best to judge Black & White Ogre Country not by its length but by its charm, a quality suffusing nearly every one of the volume’s eighty of so pages. The bulk of this slim book transcribes a notebook of the reminiscences of Hilary Tolkien, younger brother of J. R. R. Tolkien. In the notebook, he recorded — years later, “after World War II” (iv) — childhood stories of a fictionalized but semi-autobiographical nature. Hilary’s notebook lay forgotten for many years, but it was recently unearthed in an attic by his grandson, Chris, the son of Hilary’s eldest child, Gabriel. Read more...