By wellinghall
'The Hobbit' Officially Pushed to 2013
28 Apr, 2010
2010-4-28 4:49:36 PM UTC
2010-4-28 4:49:36 PM UTC
Warner Bros. and IMAX Corp. have just issued a joint press release announcing a partnership through 2013 that will include placing upwards of 20 Warner Bros. films into IMAX theaters, as well as conventional theaters. The biggest news to come out of this whole thing is a tentative release date for The Hobbit of December 2013, two years after its initial date of December 2011. We assume part one will debut in 2013 and part 2 in 2014, but the press release doesn't mention the two-parter and only lists it as simply The Hobbit. ... fficially-pushed-to-2013/
- wellinghall
This news story is incorrect according to the
"UPDATE: We’ve just received word that news about the 2013 release is WRONG, sorta. The FIRST Hobbit film is still set for 2012, and the second is set for 2013.
This was reported incorrectly on an IMAX press release and was picked up across the interweb." ... leasing-in-december-2013/
- Trotter ... fficially-pushed-to-2013/
- wellinghall
This news story is incorrect according to the
"UPDATE: We’ve just received word that news about the 2013 release is WRONG, sorta. The FIRST Hobbit film is still set for 2012, and the second is set for 2013.
This was reported incorrectly on an IMAX press release and was picked up across the interweb." ... leasing-in-december-2013/
- Trotter