By Urulókë
Parma Eldalamberon No. 19 - Now Available
16 Jan, 2011
2011-1-16 5:33:57 AM UTC
2011-1-16 5:33:57 AM UTC
Christopher Gilson sends this welcome news along:
This issue, to which we have given the title "Quenya Phonology," presents three linguistic texts by J. R. R. Tolkien dealing with the internal history of the sounds of Quenya in relation to the cognate Elvish languages and their descent from a common source.
The "Comparative Tables" are a series of charts laying out the regular correspondences among the sounds of the various languages Tolkien had invented or sketched out by the late 1930s including Valarin, Quenya, Lindarin, Telerin, Noldorin, Ilkorin, Danian, Lemberin and Taliskan. There are charts for word-initial and medial consonants and for long vowels and diphthongs. These are accompanied by Tolkien's notes on the general historical developments of these languages and their types in terms of the "real" languages on which they were modeled.
The "Outline of Phonetic Development" is a detailed description of the historical changes that produced of the sounds of Quenya from the sounds of Primitive Eldarin, including the regular developments in word-initial and medial positions and the distinctive changes of sounds in contact. Phonetic variations among the historical dialects of Quenya are described, as well as those divergent developments occurring in the closely related languages of Lindarin, Telerin and Noldorin, and the influences of these on the dialects of Quenya. This text appears to be from the late 1930s or 1940s.
The "Outline of Phonology" is a revised and expanded version of this material, dating from the 1950s. It describes the phonology of Quenya as primarily the speech of the Noldor in Valinor; but it is similarly arranged, giving variations within the historical dialects of Quenya and divergent developments in the related Vanyarin and Telerin. This text reflects Tolkien's conception of his languages at the time of the publication of _The Lord of the Rings_.
The cost of this issue of _Parma Eldalamberon_ is $35 per copy including postage and handling world-wide.
To order, please follow the link below