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Question about one Two towers Edition . 1991

30 Jun, 2019
2019-6-30 11:02:31 AM UTC

Hello dear tolkienists,

I come to you to have more information about one book I bought recently.
That's the Two Towers, Centenary Edition 1991 (Hardback, first print with John Howe DJ)
Something gets me intrigued : there is not "Lord of the Ring" title in the text block, just J.R.R. Tolkien and Part 2 The Two Towers.
In this Edition, we should have the Lord of the rings title in red.
Btw, I checked and it's not faded, it's just simply missing.
What do you think?

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30 Jun, 2019
2019-6-30 11:15:48 AM UTC
Why do you think it has not faded, these books are notorious for the red completely disappearing due to fading?
30 Jun, 2019
2019-6-30 11:20:05 AM UTC
Hi yeah, you're right it might have faded. But I saw absolutely any thrace of the red.
But the cover colour palette of the John Howe painting has gone from dark grey to blueish.
Unless that this blueish tone would be distinctive from a specific printing or edition?
30 Jun, 2019
2019-6-30 11:23:02 AM UTC
And strangely, the spine is not faded and still has the red...

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30 Jun, 2019
2019-6-30 2:24:41 PM UTC

emilien wrote:
And strangely, the spine is not faded and still has the red...

If the spine was not in direct sunlight, but the top cover of the book was, then sadly this is what I would expect from this edition as regards fading.
30 Jun, 2019
2019-6-30 2:56:41 PM UTC
Yep, it has simply faded. The red is notoriously unstable. I've seen several where the spine has lost the red entirely. In this case, it must have been laid flat, so the sun faded the front cover instead. You can see that the red on the spine is starting to go pink. If you leave it in bright direct sunlight for a couple of months, it will go entirely.
30 Jun, 2019
2019-6-30 5:38:01 PM UTC
This is too bad :(
Thank you for your replies anyway ! It's very helpfull !
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