By Ambrosius
The One Ring Role Playing Game Kickstarter
23 Feb, 2021
2021-2-23 4:13:41 PM UTC
2021-2-23 4:13:41 PM UTC
Hello, There is a Kickstarter project active right now for roleplaying in Middle Earth: The One Ring role playing game from Free League in Sweden. There is a pledge level for the limited edition collector's version of the book that is only available during the campaign which ends March 4, 2021. The book is beautiful and I can testify that their quality control for binding is very good based on their other game books I have bought. The first image is the collector's edition, the second are the Sauronic dice, the third is an interior page (there will also be full color art interiors), the last is the regular edition of the book. There are also maps included and many more goodies, but please go look for yourself and maybe you'll want to pledge like I did. By the way, I do not work for the publisher or have been paid by them. I just love role playing games and Tolkien and thought other folks would want to know about it, too.
Here is the link to the Kickstarter campaign: The One Ring Kickstarter Page
Here is the link to the Kickstarter campaign: The One Ring Kickstarter Page