Arise now, arise, Riders of Théoden!
Dire deeds awake, dark is it eastward.
Let horse be bridled, horn be sounded!
Forth Eorlingas!

tolkien reading day-web.jpg

Art by Norloth, used with permission

With the permission of HarperCollins and the Tolkien Estate, we shall once more go into the breach with fantastic day of hosting wonderful readings of Tolkien's works from guests around the world. Last year we hosted a fifteen hour marathon session. Plans are being worked on for this year as well - perhaps not as epic as last year, but it will be fun and certainly less "last minute". The Tolkien Society in partnership with the Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic will also have events throughout the day that our event will be scheduling around, and news of other Tolkien Reading Day events will also be shared and promoted.

As like last year, the live streaming event will primarily take place on Discord, a wonderful service for audio and text chatting, with other options available for those unfamiliar or unwilling to use Discord - but the chat room is a lot of fun, so please join if you can! If you just want to listen, the live stream should be available on YouTube, thanks to the excellent support once again from the German Tolkien Society (Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft e.V.)

Discord link for chatting, listening in, or reading:

If you would like to schedule a time to read something, please contact me through private message and we will work it out. Open mic readings will take place all day long as well if you just want to drop in.

Guest readers who have volunteered to join the muster so far are:
  • Chad High
  • Tom Hillman
  • Elise Trudel Cedeño
  • Dr. Sara Brown
  • Dr. Una McCormack
  • Dr. Luke Shelton
  • Marcel Aubron-Bülles
  • John Garth
  • Carl Hostetter
  • Jason Fisher
  • Brian Sibley
  • Clifford "Quickbeam" Broadway
  • James Tauber
  • Patrick M. Hausen
  • Matt Graf - "The Nerd of the Rings"
  • Alan Sisto from The Prancing Pony Podcast
  • Shawn Marchese from The Prancing Pony Podcast
  • Ted Nasmith - amazing artist
  • Andrew “Trotter” Ferguson
  • and hopefully more to come

Most readers will be at specific times during the day, so hopefully everyone around the world will be able to enjoy at least part of the event. As with last year, the Estate and publisher are being extremely kind in allowing for these public performances of Tolkien's copyrighted materials for a live streaming event. The event will not be recorded or available after broadcast.

Scheduling for March 25th Tolkien Reading Day Event

The times shown in the calendar below are approximate - the readings will not all be exactly half an hour each! There will be gaps for open mic readings, some readers may run long, and we will all just have fun and do the best we can. If you are interested in reading, please let me know. Names and reading materials are being added constantly as everyone settles in and the schedule comes together.

PDT (-7)MDT (-6)CDT (-5)EDT (-4)GMTJST (+9)NZDT (+13)ReaderReading a selection from
2:00 AM3:00 AM4:00 AM5:00 AM9:00 AM6:00 PM10:00 PMTolkien Society/University of Glasgow event
2:30 AM3:30 AM4:30 AM5:30 AM9:30 AM6:30 PM10:30 PM
3:00 AM4:00 AM5:00 AM6:00 AM10:00 AM7:00 PM11:00 PMNo Readings Planned
3:30 AM4:30 AM5:30 AM6:30 AM10:30 AM7:30 PM11:30 PM
4:00 AM5:00 AM6:00 AM7:00 AM11:00 AM8:00 PM12:00 AM
4:30 AM5:30 AM6:30 AM7:30 AM11:30 AM8:30 PM12:30 AMMarah Hansen"An Unexpected Party"
5:00 AM6:00 AM7:00 AM8:00 AM12:00 PM9:00 PM1:00 AMBeccah Davis"The Steward and the King" selection
5:30 AM6:30 AM7:30 AM8:30 AM12:30 PM9:30 PM1:30 AMDenis BridouxThe Tale of Aragorn and Arwen (?)
6:00 AM7:00 AM8:00 AM9:00 AM1:00 PM10:00 PM2:00 AMTolkien Society/University of Glasgow event
6:30 AM7:30 AM8:30 AM9:30 AM1:30 PM10:30 PM2:30 AM
7:00 AM8:00 AM9:00 AM10:00 AM2:00 PM11:00 PM3:00 AMAndrew "Trotter" FergusonGoblin Feet
7:30 AM8:30 AM9:30 AM10:30 AM2:30 PM11:30 PM3:30 AMJames TauberLord of the Rings Appendix F
8:00 AM9:00 AM10:00 AM11:00 AM3:00 PM12:00 AM4:00 AMBrian SibleyThe Black Gate Opens
8:30 AM9:30 AM10:30 AM11:30 AM3:30 PM12:30 AM4:30 AMMarcel Aubron-Bülles"Tree and Leaf"
8:50 AM9:50 AM10:50 AM11:50 AM3:50 PM12:50 AM4:50 AMNorloth"Perry-the-Winkle"
9:00 AM10:00 AM11:00 AM12:00 PM4:00 PM1:00 AM5:00 AMCarl Hostetter"Ósanwe-kenta"
9:30 AM10:30 AM11:30 AM12:30 PM4:30 PM1:30 AM5:30 AMMatt, The Nerd of the Rings"Helm's Deep"
10:00 AM11:00 AM12:00 PM1:00 PM5:00 PM2:00 AM6:00 AMJason Fisher"Treebeard"
10:30 AM11:30 AM12:30 PM1:30 PM5:30 PM2:30 AM6:30 AMPatrick M. Hausen “The Ride of the Rohirrim”
11:00 AM12:00 PM1:00 PM2:00 PM6:00 PM3:00 AM7:00 AMTolkien Society/University of Glasgow event
11:30 AM12:30 PM1:30 PM2:30 PM6:30 PM3:30 AM7:30 AM
12:00 PM1:00 PM2:00 PM3:00 PM7:00 PM4:00 AM8:00 AMDr. Una McCormackselection from "The Choices of Master Samwise"
12:15 PM1:15 PM2:15 PM3:15 PM7:15 PM4:15 AM8:15 AMMichael Rollandselection from "The Land of Shadow"
12:30 PM1:30 PM2:30 PM3:30 PM7:30 PM4:30 AM8:30 AMElise Trudel CedeñoFaramir and Eowyn excerpt from "The Steward and the King"
1:00 PM2:00 PM3:00 PM4:00 PM8:00 PM5:00 AM9:00 AMAlan SistoHúrin passages from The Silmarillion and The Children of Húrin
1:30 PM2:30 PM3:30 PM4:30 PM8:30 PM5:30 AM9:30 AMLuke Shelton"Sir Orfeo"
2:00 PM3:00 PM4:00 PM5:00 PM9:00 PM6:00 AM10:00 AMJohn GarthHistory of Middle-earth selection on the creation myth of the two trees
2:30 PM3:30 PM4:30 PM5:30 PM9:30 PM6:30 AM10:30 AMDr. Sara Brown"Shelob's Lair"
3:00 PM4:00 PM5:00 PM6:00 PM10:00 PM7:00 AM11:00 AMTom HillmanSelections from "Fog on the Barrow Downs" & "Tale of Aragorn and Arwen"
3:30 PM4:30 PM5:30 PM6:30 PM10:30 PM7:30 AM11:30 AMTed NasmithSelections from "Aldarion and Erendis"
4:00 PM5:00 PM6:00 PM7:00 PM11:00 PM8:00 AM12:00 PMClifford "Quickbeam" BroadwayPrologue to The Lord of the Rings
4:30 PM5:30 PM6:30 PM7:30 PM11:30 PM8:30 AM12:30 PMChad Highselections from the Akallabêth (Flight of the Faithful)
5:00 PM6:00 PM7:00 PM8:00 PM12:00 AM9:00 AM1:00 PMShawn MarcheseSelections from “The Lay of Leithian”
5:30 PM6:30 PM7:30 PM8:30 PM12:30 AM9:30 AM1:30 PMJennifer GallagherSelection from "Aldarion and Erendis"