31 Oct, 2007
2007-10-31 5:04:45 AM UTC
Your answers here will help me figure out what level of integration with eBay seems appropriate for the site. Do you use eBay a lot for collecting? A little? Buying? Selling? Both? Longer responses here in the forums are useful too!
31 Oct, 2007
2007-10-31 11:30:58 AM UTC
I check ebay daily (or more often!), buy on average monthly, and sell on average every couple of months. When I do sell, though, I'll often sell several items together.
I also buy and sell non-Tolkien items on ebay.
1 Nov, 2007
2007-11-1 11:37:45 PM UTC
I checked ebay daily for about 6 years, but got out of the habit late last year when I was busy with TolkienBooks (and short of money!).
I have been checking on a weekly basis recently. As well as some wide ranging searches based on ones around at TolkienCollector.com, I have about 30 saved searches looking for more specific items.
I sell occasionally, not much of late, but there is a big pile that I need to sell to make some more room - including some nice Hobbits!
2 Nov, 2007
2007-11-2 8:59:49 AM UTC
Mmmmmm... Hobbitses. Tasty hobbitses.
Let me know when you put them up for sale and I can list them here as well (like I did for Wellinghall) if you want.
2 Nov, 2007
2007-11-2 6:58:17 PM UTC
I will try to get some listed over the weekend. The extra 2 or 3 feet of shelf space is desparately needed!
10 Dec, 2007
2007-12-10 7:55:17 AM UTC
10 Dec, 2007
2007-12-10 8:25:57 AM UTC
As promised, here is a list of your items. Nice to see the Medium Aevum issues (second set on eBay in a month, quite scarce other than that!) Funny how the scarce stuff seems to come and go in clumps.
Also, got a chuckle at seeing a book called "scruffy". Some random thought about a nerf herder popped into my head...
10 Dec, 2007
2007-12-10 8:29:54 AM UTC
On this note - I was thinking of putting together a page in the Guide somewhere that has a dynamic list of all Tolkien related eBay auctions currently running that are listed by TCG members (basically any of you that want me to include your listings.) Would that be useful or interesting?
10 Dec, 2007
2007-12-10 8:14:11 PM UTC
The copies of Medium Aevum are listed as a result of the recent copies on eBay - I won those to upgrade my collection, so the ones for sale are surplus to requirements. As you say, very scarce items.
The dynamic eBay lists sound like a good idea. Could we also nominate favourite eBay sellers as well?
P.S. I had to google the nerf herders reference!