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The Hobbit and other Stories

26 Feb, 2023 (edited)
2023-2-26 10:23:27 AM UTC

As a collector of Uk Hobbits, I have always been very interested in the Unwin Books/Unwin Paperbacks box-set The Hobbit and Other Stories.



I think that there are three variants of this box-set but could be more as the books could have been mixed up.


Variant 1

The Hobbit - Reset (New Edition) 1975 (Unwin Books on front cover)
Tree and Leaf, Smith of Wootton Major, The Homecoming of Beothtnoth - 1st Edition 1975 (Unwin Books on front cover)
Farmer Giles of Ham, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil - 1st Edition 1975 (Unwin Books on front cover)

Variant 2

The Hobbit - Reset (New Edition), 2nd Impression 1976 (First State) (Unwin Paperbacks on front cover)
Tree and Leaf, Smith of Wootton Major, The Homecoming of Beothtnoth - 1st Edition 1975 (Unwin Books on front cover)
Farmer Giles of Ham, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil - 1st Edition 1975 (Unwin Books on front cover)

Variant 3

The Hobbit Reset (New Edition), 2nd-4th Impression 1976 (Second State) (Unwin Paperbacks on front cover)
Tree and Leaf, Smith of Wootton Major, The Homecoming of Beothtnoth - 2nd Impression 1977 (Unwin Paperbacks on front cover)
Farmer Giles of Ham, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil - 2nd Impression 1977 (Unwin Paperbacks on front cover)

I'm sure though that these sets could have been mixed up, whatever copies were at hand were possibly put into the box-sets, so other original variants could exist from the Publisher.

These are the covers of The Hobbit.


These are the covers of the other two books.


Box-set covering

In a 2016 forum post on this site, Berelach, talks about the covering of the box-set

I've noticed that some of the Unwin Paperback slipcases used in the 1970s were made of different materials. Specifically I've noticed that the 1976 'Hobbit and Other Stories' and 1976 'The Lord of the Rings' slipcases have two different versions... one with paper covering and one with a more glossy or even laminated covering ... ewtopic.php?post_id=16560


All three of my sets are paper-covered, though with slightly different paper, which does affect the gloss of the box.

I think this is definitely an area that more needs more examples to see if any patterns exist and whether you can tie the difference in the box-set to the different variants.


Only one of my sets has a price on it, £3.25 though the books are all priced at £1 each, does anyone else have priced copies that have a different price?

For further details on the box-set see and J.R.R. Tolkien A Descriptive Bibliography by Wayne G. Hammond & Douglas A. Anderson (Oak Knoll Books)
26 Feb, 2023
2023-2-26 10:55:18 AM UTC
Interested. Thanks, Trotter.
26 Feb, 2023
2023-2-26 1:29:19 PM UTC
I have boxset variant 2 which contains the 2nd Print, 1st State Hobbit, which I think is the hardest to come by.

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26 Feb, 2023
2023-2-26 1:54:29 PM UTC
Thanks Trotter. For what it is worth, I have Variant 3 with Farmer Giles and Tree&Leaf 2nd impressions as you have, but my Hobbit is a 1977 3rd impression instead of your 1976 2nd impression.

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26 Feb, 2023
2023-2-26 2:20:06 PM UTC

LanceFormation wrote:

Thanks Trotter. For what it is worth, I have Variant 3 with Farmer Giles and Tree&Leaf 2nd impressions as you have, but my Hobbit is a 1977 3rd impression instead of your 1976 2nd impression.

I think you are right, Variant three could be the 2nd or 3rd Impression Hobbit, have updated the text.
27 Feb, 2023
2023-2-27 12:28:41 AM UTC
3rd variant here

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27 Feb, 2023
2023-2-27 8:32:24 AM UTC

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4 Mar, 2023
2023-3-4 11:09:49 AM UTC
Just to note, I have variant 3, but a 4th impression Hobbit.

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