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Hobbit Introduced for Schools by R.S. Fowler

8 Sep, 2023
2023-9-8 10:37:24 AM UTC

Thanks to Stu I realized that I should try and get all three editions of this Hobbit, as all three have differences.

More information on the books at

1972 edition -
1974-1976 editions -


Left to Right, 4th (School) Edition, 1st Impression 1972, 4th (School) Edition, 2nd Impression 1974, 4th (School) Edition, 3rd Impression 1976

9 Sep, 2023
2023-9-9 8:01:32 AM UTC
Oh no! I thought I had one too many. Now I find I have one too few!
(I have the 72 and 74)

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9 Sep, 2023
2023-9-9 8:35:29 AM UTC
Sorry about that
9 Sep, 2023
2023-9-9 8:37:11 AM UTC
The hunt begins...
9 Sep, 2023
2023-9-9 2:19:56 PM UTC
I have the '74 & '76 been looking for the '72 for ages.
5 January
2024-1-5 12:17:58 AM UTC

Trotter wrote:

Thanks to Stu I realized that I should try and get all three editions of this Hobbit, as all three have differences.

Was just looking at my copies of this edition and remembered this thread... my copies (also 72, 74 and 76) are all nearly the same size (the '72 a couple mm shorter). Does anyone else have the 1976 3rd imp. that's smaller like Trotter's is?

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5 January
2024-1-5 2:18:23 AM UTC
Very interesting. Another (fully grown) 1976 Hobbit to look for.

My 1976 is also smaller like Trotter's - and 1972 a couple of mm shorter.

(1972, 1974, 1976 Left to Right in photo)

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5 January
2024-1-5 2:24:07 AM UTC
Berelach, Is the copyright page on yours the same as this. Same printer?

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5 January
2024-1-5 2:38:48 AM UTC
Here’s my ‘74 & ‘76 side by side…same height on each and copyright page.

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5 January
2024-1-5 2:45:36 AM UTC
Interesting, thanks for the responses! Yes, my 1976 copyright page is identical to both of yours.
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