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Arda, un viaje ilustrado por la Tierra Media y los reinos de Tolkien

11 Dec, 2023 (edited)
2023-12-11 10:47:58 PM UTC

Anyone has information about this book: ?

I understand this is a kind of illustrated encyclopedia both in english and spanish.

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Arda, un viaje ilustrado por la Tierra Media y los reinos de Tolkien

Legendaria Ediciones (2023-12-12)

$Unknown Blackwell's (paperback) - Availability: Unknown
$unknown (Hardcover) - Availability: unknown
£27.45 (Hardcover) - Availability: Now
€38.81 (Gebundene Ausgabe) - Availability: Now

5035_6577922c4000d.jpg 984X1081 px
11 March
2024-3-11 11:15:49 PM UTC
Since I did not find any information about this, I have decided to order this book from here: ... -y-los-reinos-de-tolkien/

It is indedd a bilingual book, Spanish and English. The english title is: Arda – An Illustrated Journey in Middle-Earth and the Realms of Tolkien

A few notes:
- The book provides a concise description of many middle-earth geografical locations, proceding from west to east. The content is accurate, but "for beginners"
- Each location is associated with an illustration by an artist. It might be considered an artbook.
- The vertical format choice is probably not the best, as many illustration are small or cut. I would have preferred a landscape solution
- The book itself is a glued (I believe) hardcover and the book itself seems nice and solid.
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