Letter link: Letter from J.R.R. Tolkien to Leslie Megahey • 20 February 1968 (#1717)

In his 2015 talk https://www.tolkiensociety.org/2015/07 ... -about-tolkien-in-oxford/, Megahey reads/summarises some correspondence between Joy Hill and Lorna Pegram about the BBC documentary that doesn't appear to be in the Guide. He also mentions a 1971/72 exchange where Tolkien asks Megahey to look up the Simone de Bouvoir quote that he had lost, and Megahey wrote back with an extended version of it. It appears reasonably early on.

There was also a quoted letter where Tolkien gave Megahey a brief and frank assessment of the documentary, but wasn't bitter about it. It's just after 40 seconds in, as follows, in the words Megahey gives it without notes:

"Dear Megahey,

I watched the film on television. I didn't enjoy it at all. I thought it looked like [words to the effect of "a picture smashed into many pieces and joined together at random].

Much enjoyed meeting you. Come up to Oxford soon and we'll drink champagne.

J.R.R. Tolkien"

(my punctuation, a best guess from the spoken word)