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By Taivo
Just can't stay away

New Belarusian

7 May, 2024
2024-5-7 3:37:47 AM UTC

A new Belarusian translation has been begun and Fellowship is out. It is being published by Knihauka, aka Yanushkevich Publishing, in Warsaw, Poland. It's also available through another Belarusian bookseller in Kraków, Poland, Gutenberg, for a few złoty more. I ordered my copy through Gutenberg before I knew the story of the publisher.

In January 2023, the publisher Andrei Yanushkevich lost his license to do business in Belarus as part of President Lukashenko's continuing crackdown on Belarusian language, culture, and history. He then emigrated to Poland and continued publishing Belarusian books as Knihauka. Just a year earlier, in 2022, Yanushkevich had been arrested for the "crime" of opening a bookstore that featured Belarusian books in Minsk. Both Gutenberg and Knihauka specialize in producing and selling Belarusian books in Poland.

The volume is well made with a solid hardcover binding, good-quality paper, green ribbon, and easy-to-read Cyrillic font.

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7 May, 2024
2024-5-7 3:49:45 AM UTC
That's a beautiful edition and a chilling story. Thank you for sharing!
8 May, 2024
2024-5-8 12:25:18 AM UTC
Thank you for that information Taivo. I had ordered this on the publisher website earlier this year and was curious why the company was based in Poland.

But I see now some of the information on the "About Company" section of the website:


"The publishing house "Andrei Yanushkevich Publishing" publishes books in the Belarusian language and is the mandate holder of the publishing house "Yanuskevic" (Minsk, Belarus), which was closed in early 2023 by the Lukashenko regime.

This is a continuation of the "Knihauka" bookstore, which operated in Minsk for only one day on May 16, 2022."
8 May, 2024
2024-5-8 6:45:20 AM UTC
Indeed. When Smaug took over the Lonely Mountain, the dwarves carried on in exile waiting until the time was ripe to return.
28 Jul, 2024 (edited)
2024-7-28 7:00:27 PM UTC
The translation of Two Towers has recently been announced on the Knihauka website here. It is, at the time of this post, being offered for a discount for preorders. The shipping date is currently listed as 10 August.
28 Jul, 2024
2024-7-28 7:07:46 PM UTC
Thank you for the "heads up" Taivo.

Will be ordering shortly.....
20 Aug, 2024
2024-8-20 7:15:50 PM UTC
The second volume of the new Belarusian translation of LOTR has just been published by Knihauka. My copy arrived today.

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20 Dec, 2024
2024-12-20 2:02:55 PM UTC
They say the third volume is published and share their copy.

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21 Dec, 2024
2024-12-21 7:49:22 PM UTC
I preordered my copy a couple of weeks ago. It's already been mailed, but I have to wait for "Return" to travel across the Atlantic before feasting in this beautifully produced complete set. It reached New York today, but won't get to the Great Basin until the day after Christmas. It's one of those times when I envy those of you who live on the "old" side of the pond.
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