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Organization: Suomen Tolkien-seura ry [Swedish: Tolkiensällskapet i Finland rf; English: Finnish Tolkien Society] (P.O. Box 215, FIN- 00131 Helsinki, Finland).

  • Activities: J.R.R. Tolkien 101th Anniversary and Finnish Tolkien Society 1st Anniversary Celebration was held in Helsinki, Finland, on 3 January. Extraordinary General Meeting was held in Helsinki, Finland, on 25 March. The Annual General Meeting and Springmoot occurred in Helsinki, Finland, on 24 April. The Summer Outing (including The I Taniquetilic Games) was held at the Suomenlinna Sea Fortress, Helsinki, Finland, on 31 July; the Wintermoot in Helsinki, Finland, on 18 December. Participated with an information and sales desk at Finncon 93 SF festival in Helsinki, Finland, on 7-8 August. A t-shirt was produced that month. The organization's library (a small collection of Tolkien books and fanzines) opened on 24 April (address: c/o Finnish Comics Society, Kauppakartanonkatu 16, 00930 Helsinki, Finland, open Monday and Wednesday from 4 pm to 8 pm Tuesday and Thursday from noon to 4 pm). A subcommittee participated since September in organising jointly with other Nordic Tolkien societies the Northern Tolkien Festival in Upsala, Sweden, in June 1994; a meeting of the international committee, with the Finnish members present, was held in Stockholm, Sweden, on 23 October. The Smial of the Year Competition ran throughout the year.
  • Notable Event: The organisation was officially registered by the Ministry of Justice in November, letters ry/rf (rekisteröity yhdistys/registerad förening = registered association) added to the name.
  • Publications: Legolas [Finnish/English, quarterly]. HobbittilanSanomat [Finnish, irregular]. News From the Quenya Country [English, irregular]. Membership fee FIM 50 (Finland/Sweden, includes subscription to Legolas and HobbittilanSanomat); FIM 60 (world,. includes subscription to Legolas, News From the Quenya Country and HobbittilanSanomat).
  • Additional publication: Suomen Tolkien-Seuran Kalenteri [Finnish/English, one-shot]. Cost is FIM 30 (Finland); FIM 35/SEK 50 (Scandinavia); FIM 45/£5.50 (Europe); FIM 50/$9 (world).
  • Additional information: HobbittilanSanomat and News From the Quenya Country merged into a single publication in 1994.
  • Sub-organizations ("Smials"):
    • Elendili (Saku Saaristo, Karhunpolku 6A, 38210 Vammala, Finland).
    • Evenholtin Metsäsiat (Matti Eräsaari, Koivukatu 9, 40630 Jyväskylä, Finland).
    • Hautakero (Sampsa Sihvola, Laivurinkatu 33 C 66, 00150 Helsinki, Finland).
      • Activities: Biweekly meetings. Held an annual Easter convention from 10-11 April in Laajasalo, Helsinki, Finland; annual midsummer feast 25-27 June in Karhusaari, Sipoo, Finland; annual fall-bakkanaal on 28 September in Linnunlaulu, Helsinki, Finland, to celebrate the capture of those miserable no-good hobbits. Other activities include roleplaying, strategy games, happenings, etc.
      • Publications: Aineklainejasentiedote [Finnish, irregular]. Free to members. Mustainmaan Sotahuuto [Finnish/English, irregular]. No subscription (30 Finnish marks for issue 1).
    • Henneth Annun (Jarmo Ollikainen, Suottamonniemi, 73100 Lapinlahti, Finland).
    • Heren Istarion (Jaakko Toivonen, Vellamontie 5 c 62, 28370 Pori, Finland).
    • Meidän smial (c/o Mikael Ahlström, Ripusuontie 18, FIN-00660 Helsinki, Finland).
      • Activities: The smial's activities are completely unofficial and informal (they do not participate in the Smial of the Year competition). In 1993, they have included occasional meetings at the members' homes and a singing performance at the Springmoot. Most of the membership live in Helsinki, Finland.
    • Mordor (Jarno Rinta-Valkama, Lammentie 14, 65230 Vaasa, Finland).
    • Nazgûl (Tuomas Takala, Joukahaisentie 7, 15870 Hollola, Finland).
    • Peikkokorpi/Pinnath Tereg (Tero Rissa, Hanhikintie 8, 62100 Lapua, Finland).
      • Activities: Weekly meetings at the home of Tero Rissa. The group presented an exhibition about Tolkien at the city of Lapua [Finland] library on 29 May.
      • Publications: Galenas [planned, unknown if any were published in 1993].
    • Perniön smial (Mikael Öhman, Kuivasto, 25500 Pernio, Finland).
    • Pohjoisneljännys (Eppu Errasti, Neilikkatie 13 B 10, 98580 Oulu, Finland).
      • Activities: Meetings are held two to four times a month. Member's birthday parties are celebrated with food, music, dance and merrymaking. Pohjoisneljännys produced a library display of Tolkien in addition to an introductory lecture of the Finnish Tolkien Society which was presented at a role-playing convention organized by the Oulu Town Library, the Oulu SF Society "Polaris" and the Northern Ostrobothnia Summer University, in Oulu, Finland, from 27-28 March. An improvised The Lord of the Rings performance featuring glimpses of the great saga was presented at Oulu pedestrian street on 1 May. A Yule celebration held on 22 December included prepared dishes, music and dance. There is cooperation between Pohjoisneljännys and the Oulu SF Society "Polaris" and Society for Creative Anarchronism Oulu local group.
    • Raisa (Johanna Iso-Järvenpää, Yrttikuja, Raisio, Finland).
      • Additional information: The smial was not listed as a smial in 1994.
    • Rauma (Sakari Männistö, Gävlenkatu 4, 26100 Rauma, Finland).
      • Additional information: The smial was not listed as a smial in 1994.
    • Telcontar (Inari Kylänen, Airoparintie 5-7 c17, 00980 Helsinki, Finland).
      • Activities: The smial held weekly meetings and had many activities, including sledding, theatre going and organizing two live action role playing games (and attended three others). Also, they played laser survival games many times and attended (as an audience) in almost all notable science fiction and fantasy events in Finland. Telcontar organized an exhibition about Tolkien and his work at the Itakeskus [Finland] library from 28 June to 17 July. They held a video evening dedicated to science fiction movies, celebrated hobbit birthdays, went skating once and started filming their own movie (still not finished). The group presented the golden straightjacket award, attended all meetings held by the Finnish Tolkien Society and celebrated Yuletide. They celebrated one year of existence and had a GOOD TIME!
      • Additional information: They are fighting for the medals of the smial competition. Tynkäkansan invaasio ended publication with issue 2 in 1993.
      • Publication: Tynkäkansan invaasio [Finnish, irregular]. Forgil [Finnish, planned for 1994]. No membership fee.
    • Tirion (Kaisa Mäki-Petäjä, Koutosentie 36, 69100 Kannus, Finland).
      • Activities: The smial created the Gate of Moria stickers in April (not available at the moment) and redrew their group's logo. They presented an exhibition about Tolkien at the Nivala [Finland] Library from 4-8 July. Live action roleplaying meetings took place in Kannus, Finland, on 19-20 July and 17-19 September, and in Nivala, Finland, on 12-14 November. Tirion took part in one live action role playing meeting arranged by the Telcontar smial in Helsinki. Contact is mainly by mail and telephone.
      • Additional information: A local newspaper, Kaleva, had an article about Tirion and live action role playing.
      • Publications: Sanan Säilä [planned for 1994]. The Tirion Times [planned for 1994].
    • Tol Thoron (Teemu Eskola, Kirkkokatu 10 A 9, 48100 Kotka, Finland; international contact: Vesku Nopanen, Hirventie 50, 48230 Kotka, Finland).
      • Publication: Kontulainen [Finnish, irregular, unknown if any were published in 1993]. Subscription cost is 15 Finnish marks or $4.
    • Turku smial (Tino Warinowski, Varstakuja 8 as. 1, 21260 Raisio, Finland).
      • Additional information: The smial was not listed as a smial in 1994.
    • Valkoinen Neuvosto (Karri Miettinen, Rautatienkatu 6B, 13210 Hämeenlinna, Finland).
Independent publication: Scholarship & Fantasy: Proceedings of The Tolkien Phenomenon (English Dept/Tolkien, University of Turku, FIN-20500 Turku, Finland). Cost is FIM 120 (world).
This content was originally written by Hildifons Took (Sumner Hunnewell) more than a decade ago, and is reprinted here with permission. Please see Tolkien Fannish and Scholarly Activities and Publications for 1993 for the main article page.

Tolkien Activities 1993 - Addenda of groups not listed for 1992.

Last modified: 10/06/06 by Urulókë
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