Tolkien Collector's Guide
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Organization: Loza Tolkienowska Kraków (Michal Bardel, ul. Szara 23, 30-820 Kraków, Poland).

Publication: Vingilótë [Polish, quarterly]. Subscription cost is $14.

Organization: Parmadili (Slaski Klub Fantastyki, Sekcja Tolkienowska, c/o Andrzej Kowalski, ul. Pocztowa 16/18,40-042 Katowice, skr. poczt. 502, Poland).

Activities: Weekly meetings on Tuesdays from 1600-1800 hrs. at the above address. Weekend sessions are held twice a year; and a small convention convenes once a year with the entire Slaski Klub Fantastyki. "Wiadomosci Bucklandu" (which is translated and published in English as Buckland News) is published in the club's monthly newsletter, Miesiecznik. The club was busy this year producing additional material, including two portfolios of artwork, one based on The Lord of the Rings and the other on The Silmarillion, and a translation of Mr. Bliss.

Publications: Buckland News [English, monthly], Gwaihirze [Polish, usually monthly], Little Gwaihir [English, monthly]. Subscriptions cost $20 U.S. for Little Gwaihir and Buckland News, or $20 U.S. for Gwaihirze and Buckland News. Nowinki Shire'u [Polish, irregular, unsure if any were published in 1993]. Subscription cost is unknown.

Additional publications: The Tolkien Calendar 1994. Cost is $5 US from Nancy Martsch, P.O. Box 55372suspended publication by 1994.

Independent Publication: Galathilion (Tomasz Gubala, ul. Kielecka 1/11, 41-220 Sosnowiec, Poland; telephone: 0-3 1633225 (Poland); +48 3 1633225 (international)) [Polish, irregular] Subscription cost is $15 (exclusive edition) or $7 (normal edition) per year by cash or postal money order. The fanzine is free of charge if you send your fanzine or other materials in return! A One Page Galathilion Calendar is free of charge for subscribers (an edition appears every winter).

Activities: Galathilion is a "private" and independent Tolkien fanzine (founded in July 1993). The fanzine is edited by the team of Tomasz Gubala, Karol Maziukiewicz and Wojciech Budzinski.

This content was originally written by Hildifons Took (Sumner Hunnewell) more than a decade ago, and is reprinted here with permission. Please see Tolkien Fannish and Scholarly Activities and Publications for 1993 for the main article page.

Tolkien Activities 1993 - Addenda of groups not listed for 1992.

Last modified: 09/28/06 by Urulókë
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