Amon Hen no. 16
- May, 1975
- Edited by Rosie and Stuart Clark
- 1 - Hello, good evening, and welcome
- 2 - Editorial 2
- 2 - Feedback on the Feedback
- 3 - Tolkien and Recovery: Jim Allen
- 4 - Poem: ELF: Carol Fishbourne
- 5 - In-depth Review 2
- 6 - BookNews
- 6 - Grow your own pipeweed!
- 6 - A new local group?
- 7-14 - Mail from Middle-earth
- 14 - The Amon Hen Writers' Competition
- 14 - Local members' announcement
- 15 - Poem: Fall of the Ringwraith
- 15-16 - Magazines Received
- 17 - A few thoughts on Moria: Pat Moynehan
- 17 - Summermoot '75
- 18 - Other Tolkien-related magazines
- 18-19 - Amon Hen Quiz No. 3 - Answers
- 19 - Notes on the Manuscripts of LoTR
- 20 - Martin Meyler sends a poem in Quenya
- 20 - Any suggestions? Win a pint!
- 21 - A Tolkien Memorial award? Why not?
- 21 - Miscellania
- 22 - Editorial Gripe - Water Needed
- 23 - Contents
Last modified: 06/01/08 by Urulókë