Legolas #11
- February? 1995
- Finnish (also "Something Like English Summary")
- 56 pages
- A5
Legolas has a very fannish feel to it. There tends to be a lighter type of material found in its pages and usually it has pages of comic art of varying quality. There seems to be quite a bit of fantasy/sf fan crossover in the membership of the Finnish Tolkien Society and it shows with many fantasy book reviews and non-Tolkien items. This Legolas has a wonderfully nasty cover illustration of an orc and his treasure but it doesn't tell the story of the humor theme, which in the magazine includes an article on humor in fantasy, some rather uncooked recipes from Gollum, and a short retelling of The Hobbit. There is a rather nicely stylized map of Numenor with accompanying articles and getting back to the semi-real world, there is a report of LARP (that is, Live Action Role Playing, which is very popular among many of the smial members of the FTS). Orkish fairy tales and a number of fantasy book reviews finish much of the newsletter.
Review by Sumner Hunnewell