Lembas Extra
- Tolkien Genootschap Unquendor (Tolkien Society Unquendor in the Netherlands)
- Netherlands
- 1985 - present
- Still active
- facebook group, showing covers
- see also Lembas. (Lembas Extra is to Lembas what Mallorn is to Amon Hen, or rather what Hither Shore is to Der Flammifer von Westernis.)
- Lembas Herdenkingsnummer - see book of essays (1983) below
Lembas Extra is in intention annual, but in fact several years have been missed. Several issues have a subtitle. It was started in 1985 in Dutch and English (with several summaries in the other language), from 1990 the language of publication is English, with exceptions noted below.
The list is currently:
- 1985: (no subtitle, three articles in English, two in Dutch)
- 1986: (no subtitle, one Dutch article in an otherwise English issue)
- 1987: Proceedings of Unquendor's First Lustrum Conference 1986 - "Tolkien and the Spirit of the Age" (completely in English, this was officially not part of the Lembas Extra series, in practice however it can be regarded as Lembas Extra 1987 in all but name)
- 1988: Motieven in Midden-aarde [Motifs in Middle-earth] (Dutch only)
- 1990: Elrond's Holy Round Table
- 1991: (no subtitle, actually the proceedings of Unquendor's second Lustrum Conference 1991)
- 1992: (no subtitle, one article in Dutch)
- 1993/94: (no subtitle)
- 1995: (no subtitle)
- 1996: (no subtitle)
- 1998: Proceedings of Unquendor's Third Lustrum Conference 1996
- 2001: A Tolkien Odyssey, Proceedings of Unquendor's Fourth Lustrum Conference 2001
- 2002: (no subtitle, one English article in an otherwise completely Dutch issue)
- 2004: (no subtitle)
- 2007: Proceedings of Unquendor's Fifth Lustrum, Baarlo 9-11 June, 2006
- 2009: Tolkien in poetry and song
As of early 2010 it is planned to issue Lembas Extra as a small special section in each issue of the ordinary Lembas, the Lembas Extra sections of each subscription year will then be available for sale as a separately bound volume at the end of the year. Lustrum Conference Proceedings will continue to be published separately.
The book of essays issued in 1983 is something else again, as it was commercially published, entirely in Dutch, by Sirius en Siderius (who published a Tolkien Quizboek [Tolkien Quizbook] with similar cover at about the same time). It was called Lembas Herdenkingsnummer [Lembas commemorative issue], but is best seen as the precursor of Lembas Extra.
[Many thanks to Harm Schelhaas, International Liaison for the Tolkien Society Unquendor in the Netherlands for most of the information in this article. All mistakes are mine by transcription or omission!]