Mythlore Vol. 1 no. 1
- January 1969
- Contains
- "Here an Orc, There an Ork" by Ruth Berman
- "A Movie of The Lord of the Rings?" by Molly Titcomb
- "A Meeting of the Tolkien Society, Sept. 2, 1968" by Bernie Zuber
- "A Mythopoeic and Middle-earth Calendar for 1969" by Glen Goodnight (not a calendar in the usual sense, it gives occurrences on historic dates in LotR)
- "A Sindarin-Quenya Dictionary" by Sandra Ballif (Part I - "a" through "Curunir")
- "Bilbo and Frodo's Birthday Party, Sept. 22, 1968" by Bernie Zuber
- "Theoden and Grima" back cover by Tim Kirk
Last modified: 11/05/06 by Urulókë