The Talisman
- Russia
- Gwait-i-Eldain
- 1993-1995: 15 issues published
News about Tolkien fandom
From the Russian Fanzine Bibliography: "TALISMAN / Red. E.Dribinskaya (K.Kinn). - M., 1993, apr. -. - Neregulyar. - 1993, ¹ 1. - 16 s. -. 100 - 200 ekz. - Format 60h90 1/16; lazer. printer. [Tolkienizm, rolevye igry (teoriya i praktika), fantastikovedenie i prosto literaturovedenie, a takzhe "fendomovedenie" (imenno v etom izdanii v 1994 godu vpervye poyavilsya termin "JRRT-fendom"). Chasto pechatalis' stihi, gorazdo rezhe - miniatyury]. "
Last modified: 10/11/06 by Urulókë