Tyalië Tyelelliéva #5
- 1 April 1995
- 28 pp.
- 5.5" x 8.5"
- Editorial, Celestial Events, News and Notes
- Letters to the Editor from Ivan Derzhanski (in tengwar and Quenya, translated on the next page), Rhona Beare (about the Dwarvish wordlist) and Leonid Korablev
- Comments from Ivan Derzhanski (on the Runes of Erebor, and -ta and -ya verbs), Helge Fauskanger (on the -eva ending), from Lisa Star (various subjects including the rune plural in Quenya, with quotations from WJ), and from Alberto Monteiro about the Portuguese connection to Adunaic
- Painted Caves, by Rhona Beare (article on Tolkien's archaeological sources for some Father Christmas Letters illustrations)
- Hot News from the Ice Age by Lisa Star
- Poem to Irene by Vyacheslav Kozlov (poem in Quenya)
- Under the Starlight by Ron Hyde (poem in Quenya and tengwar)
- Sonnet by Donna Huber (poem in English)
- Glammarye: A Key by Lisa Star (article on correspondences between Elvish and Indo-European Languages)
- Eclipses and how to look at them without hurting your eyes
- New Dragon Mail Runes by Brent Warner (in English language and Anglo-Saxon runes)
- Armenian Bole Technique by Lisa Star (how to draw)
- Counting Flowers (your Bas du Page homework with the numbers 1-12 in Quenya and Noldorin of Etymologies, and a wordlist of flowers, text by Lisa Star)
Once again, this is a very entertaining (but at times argumentative) issue from Lisa Star. Highlights include a letter of comment written in Quenya and tengwar by Ivan Derzhanski, comments on the list of Dwarvish names and rune usage from the prior issue and Rhona Beare's observations that Tolkien's cave art found in The Father Christmas Letters is taken from prehistoric cave art. More divisive linguistic challenges ("drubbings") between the linguists among the readership on -eva in Quenya and the Quenyan verbs with -ta and -ya (just where are the folks from the Elvish Linguistic Fellowship hiding during all of this?). Three entries to the first annual poetry contest are printed and all of them love poems of various sorts. Lisa starts a new column where readers can write about "a noteworthy relationship between Tolkien's invented languages and real world languages". She initiates the column with a discussion on the English word "key" and the Sindarin word "thangail". The next two items by the editor show Tolkien's technique to create repetitive border design, and Lisa provides a list of flower and number names in elvish. As always, a very interesting and eclectic issue.
Review by Sumner Hunnewell