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TCG Letter #1544

G.B. Smith
J.R.R. Tolkien
12 July 1916
Autograph Note
Smith sends Tolkien a 'field postcard'Field postcards were used during World War One. They were preprinted postcards which the sender would delete (strike through) words, leaving only those which applied. 'I am quite well' being among the preprinted messages. Nothing else was to be written on them and if there were details other than the name of the sender/receiver, where they were posted, and the date, these postcards would be destroyed.[1] noting that he is "quite well".

1 Field postcards were used during World War One. They were preprinted postcards which the sender would delete (strike through) words, leaving only those which applied. 'I am quite well' being among the preprinted messages. Nothing else was to be written on them and if there were details other than the name of the sender/receiver, where they were posted, and the date, these postcards would be destroyed.

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