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TCG Letter #613 / Carpenter Letter #238

J.R.R. Tolkien
Jane Neave
18 July 1962
Writing to his aunt, Jane Neave, and in a newly publishedLetters, 2023[1] portion of this letter Tolkien says that fan mail keeps arriving, some of it is interesting and he enjoys the thanks and warm wishes from fans. He notes that an American manThe American, Edmund Fuller would include a chapter on Tolkien in his 1962 book, Books With Men Behind Them, 1962.[2] is taking up some of his time, as he is writing a book in which Tolkien apparently takes up a chapter.This opening to the letter was newly published in the revised and expanded edition of Tolkien's Letters, 2023[3]

From the original Letters, 1981. Tolkien had sent Jane a cheque, but she returned it suggesting that Tolkien use the money on a chair for Edith. He thanks her for the suggestion but also insists that she cash the cheque. He describes his finances explaining that his little gift will not be missed. He wants her to spend the money on herself.

He remarks on his and Edith's health being better. Edith had spent some time at a nursing home being assessed. They also lost their help through the helps poor health. He notes that finding help in Oxford is very difficult.

Jane had encouraged Tolkien to publish his poetry collection, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and he informs her that it is going along well, also that Pauline Baynes has agreed to illustrate it.The Adventures of Tom Bombadil was published in Novemver, 1962.[4] He gives an update on work on the Pearl poem and Sir Gawain. He sends with this letter the first stanza of Pearl in its original and translation.

Then he gives various details on the structures of the Pearl and Gawain texts.

1 Letters, 2023
2 The American, Edmund Fuller would include a chapter on Tolkien in his 1962 book, Books With Men Behind Them, 1962.
3 This opening to the letter was newly published in the revised and expanded edition of Tolkien's Letters, 2023
4 The Adventures of Tom Bombadil was published in Novemver, 1962.
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (1981), pp. 315-18, p. 449 (Carpenter notes. Note 1 is expanded in 2023 ed.)
Cartas de J.R.R. Tolkien, pp. 456-9, p. 641 (notas de Carpenter)

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