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TCG Letter #1428 / Carpenter Letter #140a

J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner Unwin
31 August 1953
Tolkien writes, reminding Rayner that he will be in London the following day, he hopes Rayner will have time to lunch with him. He will arrive at Museum Street before noon and will bring with him the copy for press of the second volume of The Lord of the Rings.

In a newly published portion of the letter, Tolkien regrets he has yet to finish the maps, he had to reread the text and make a “rough index” of the place-names (and distances). He is unsure of the proposed “form” of the book and questions its suitability to the geography. He asks for Rayner's advice.Letters, 2023[1] He also believes that it would help if the publication had two colours for the maps.

He says that the revising of the text of volume 2 have been so thorough that he doesn't expect galley proofs will be required, but also notes that he found 22 errors and inconsistencies onnoted from volume 1. Tolkien says he can send a list and hopes the printers might be able to look out for inconsistencies.

This letter is held at the Tolkien–George Allen & Unwin archive, HarperCollins.

1 Letters, 2023

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