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Seller: tehgoonerkid
100.0% positive
Nottingham, GB
Ended Feb 2, 2025 4:22:43 PM UTC
Category: Books, Comics & Magazines:Books
[22 Bids]
"Unfinished Tales" by J. R. R. Tolkien is a hardcover book published by HarperCollins in 2000. This fantasy book, written by the renowned author of "The Lord of the Rings," contains 466 pages and is in English. The book explores various stories and narratives from Tolkien's Middle-earth, providing readers with additional background and insights into the world he created. With a height of 228mm and width of 149mm, this book is a valuable addition to any fan of Tolkien's work. In very good condition! I am also selling lots many more Lord of the Rings/Middle Earth books! Grab a bargain!On 28-Jan-25 at 10:10:12 GMT, seller added the following information: "UnfinishedTales"byJ.R.R.TolkienisahardcoverbookpublishedbyHarperCollinsin2006.Thisfantasybook,writtenbytherenownedauthorof"TheLordoftheRings,"contains466pagesandisinEnglish.ThebookexploresvariousstoriesandnarrativesfromTolkien'sMiddle-earth,providingreaderswithadditionalbackgroundandinsightsintotheworldhecreated.Withaheightof228mmandwidthof149mm,thisbookisavaluableadditiontoanyfanofTolkien'swork. Inverygoodcondition!IamalsosellinglotsmanymoreLordoftheRings/MiddleEarthbooks!Grababargain!