16 Jul, 2012
(edited)Edited by deadaswarhol on 2012-7-16 9:39:04 PM UTC
Edited by deadaswarhol on 2013-1-16 7:10:41 PM UTC
2012-7-16 9:27:17 PM UTC
EDIT 1/16:
Does anyone know where I can find The Two Towers and Return of the King 50th ANniversary hardcovers that will ship to the US? I got FotR on bookdepository.co.uk but that's all i can find. I placed an order for the other 2 on amazon.co.uk and it says they usually ship in 1-2 months, does that tend to be accurate?
16 Jul, 2012
2012-7-16 9:34:30 PM UTC
thanks for hot linking my image...
as for the question... no
16 Jul, 2012
2012-7-16 9:41:09 PM UTC
Fixed image, sorry about that!
Thanks for the info. Will probably still get these since I like the covers a lot more than any others I've seen, and that one-volume edition is too unwieldy for me haha.
17 Jul, 2012
2012-7-17 5:35:05 PM UTC
Tales from the Perilous Realm has the same matt finish on the jacket but has Alan Lee artwork not JRRT. The jacket doesn't have the copper lettering either - a curious mixture of blue, white and silver instead.
7 Aug, 2012
2012-8-7 6:12:37 PM UTC
Okay so I found THe Hobbit 70th Anniversary Edition at a local bookstore, but I'm in the US so it's the Houghton-Mifflin version. It doesn't seem like the LotRs in this series were printed here, so I'll have to buy the Harpercollins versions online. Other than the publisher logo, etc, these should all be the same size and everything, right?
7 Aug, 2012
2012-8-7 8:14:22 PM UTC
Size may be different. My HarperCollins copies are 229mm high.
7 Jan, 2013
2013-1-7 5:24:12 PM UTC
so does anyone know where i can actually buy the 50th anniversary editions of these online? tolkien.co.uk doesn't ship them to the us, and amazon.co.uk is out of stock. not sure about the quality buying used from amazon either.
my girlfriend got me the silmarillion for christmas and i just ordered unfinished tales, just mostly want LotR now.
7 Jan, 2013
2013-1-7 6:10:27 PM UTC
7 Jan, 2013
2013-1-7 8:06:02 PM UTC