28 Oct, 2016
2016-10-28 4:21:46 PM UTC
I have found two similar offerings: one with the GA&U price label and rich blue color letters on the front cover for £100, one without price label and fading blue color on the front cover for £50. Both have pretty much lost spine coloring, which seems typical for this book. No other defects.
Is the price difference justifiable? Any advise from current owners of this edition?
30 Oct, 2016
2016-10-30 8:29:01 PM UTC
I sent you a PM with some copies I found.
FWIW, asking prices for decent 1st/1st copies of both the Sil and UT seem to be priced at around $50-100.
I'd like to see pictures of a Fine copy of UT if anyone has one. Even the one on tolkienbooks.net is faded, so it is difficult to know exactly how it should look like.
30 Oct, 2016
2016-10-30 9:24:45 PM UTC
My copy isn't Fine, but the fading isn't as bad as it could be...
30 Oct, 2016
2016-10-30 9:37:20 PM UTC
This is my copy (sorry about rotated pics).
30 Oct, 2016
2016-10-30 9:39:08 PM UTC
Thank you!
So I guess originally the blue on both the spine and cover looked like the blue on this picture (not of a first print):
http://tolkienbooks.net/php/details.php?reference=64140All copies on ebay and abebooks have fading (blue to gray) on the spine, seems it needs to be stored on a custom clam-shell or kept completely in the dark.
30 Oct, 2016
2016-10-30 10:19:36 PM UTC
Do you think he might have some left?
30 Oct, 2016
2016-10-30 10:21:53 PM UTC
Morinehtar wrote:
Do you think he might have some left?
It was a good few years back and he was a book dealer, so I very much doubt it!! Very pleasant guy from memory.
30 Oct, 2016
2016-10-30 10:28:47 PM UTC
What about the Clowes vs Billing? I've seen the Clowes copies command a higher price but they also seem to be more common, though this might just be a coincidence at this time.
Is there any noticeable difference to quality?