By Urulókë
The Starlit Jewel CD Reissued
31 Jan, 2010
2010-1-31 7:10:40 PM UTC
2010-1-31 7:10:40 PM UTC
Margaret Davis of Flowinglass Music let me know that The Starlit Jewel CD is once again available for ordering. It contains songs by J.R.R. Tolkien with music by fantasy author Marion Zimmer Bradley, Kristoph Klover, and herself. The Starlit Jewel CD was originally published in 2000, in a limited edition of 2000 copies. After 7 years of negotiations with Tolkien's publishers, HarperCollins, they have been granted a renewal license and are once again be able to offer this CD for sale.
The website with more information, soundclips, and ordering information for The Starlit Jewel CD is
The website no longer works, but you can see a copy of it from 2010 ...