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Winner of the 2019 Tolkien Society award for Best Website

15 Sep, 2019
2019-9-15 3:54:30 PM UTC
Thanks for sharing!
16 Sep, 2019
2019-9-16 5:14:57 AM UTC
10 Oct, 2019
2019-10-10 1:04:11 PM UTC
Got the hardback today, I'm very impressed both with the book itself and the illustrations are great, as they include manuscript copies and Tolkien's corrections.
11 Oct, 2019
2019-10-11 9:10:52 PM UTC
Where have people actually bought Chaucer?

Amazon seemed to be saying "dispatched within 1 to 2 months"! BookDepository has publication "December"; and SpeedyHen is out-of-stock. Only two listed on eBay...

11 Oct, 2019
2019-10-11 9:13:33 PM UTC
Pre-orders have been shipped, and I think demand far outstripped supply. Likely going to reprint...
11 Oct, 2019
2019-10-11 9:20:35 PM UTC
Mine arrive Tuesday, I ordered from Amazon.
11 Oct, 2019
2019-10-11 10:15:19 PM UTC
Just ordered from Blackwell's, since we were talking about them. I don't order any books from Amazon any more, except from secondary dealers.
12 Oct, 2019
2019-10-12 12:05:19 AM UTC
I got mine yesterday, from Book Depository (but I'm in the U.S.).
5 Nov, 2023
2023-11-5 10:42:29 AM UTC
Sorry to open up an old thread but just heard about this book. I don't really want to go down an avenue of reading Chaucer but as a general Tolkien reader who enjoyed Lays of Beleriand (especially The Lay of Beren and Luthien) and I am sure I'll enjoy Beowulf etc, would this be of interest to me and fit in with my other books/interests?
I suppose I'm asking, is it work of JRRT with commentary similar to CTs work or is it a scholar just talking about JRRTs work?
5 Nov, 2023
2023-11-5 11:29:59 AM UTC

Amon Rudh wrote:

Sorry to open up an old thread but just heard about this book. I don't really want to go down an avenue of reading Chaucer but as a general Tolkien reader who enjoyed Lays of Beleriand (especially The Lay of Beren and Luthien) and I am sure I'll enjoy Beowulf etc, would this be of interest to me and fit in with my other books/interests?
I suppose I'm asking, is it work of JRRT with commentary similar to CTs work or is it a scholar just talking about JRRTs work?

I love TLC and read it again recently, but this is a dry subject sometimes.

One could probably do with a basic understanding of Chaucer to get the most out of it. But that said, one can put the Chaucer down to being a side-story and treat the work as a general biography of how Tolkien worked at that time in his academic life. TLC is a very decent work. So I am very excited for his new publication in April too.
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