I have checked http://tolkienbooks.net/php/details2.php?id=822 and like HarperCollins they have no records of how many were printed.
Emilien - Hilarious that was bought by someone here! Though not unexpected. The purple UT first hit my radar this week, and after doing a deep dive through addall and ebay, I saw this marvel of a sale and mourned it hard. Congrats!
Caudimordax wrote:
Emilien - Hilarious that was bought by someone here! Though not unexpected. The purple UT first hit my radar this week, and after doing a deep dive through addall and ebay, I saw this marvel of a sale and mourned it hard. Congrats!
Keep your eyes peeled, be lucky and you will find one in the end. We have no idea how many copies of these exist (HarperCollins have no records), but anecdotally, I think more of them are turning up. My first copy took me years to find, without even seeing any copies for sale. The last few years, they turn up infrequently, but at least two or three a year.