5 Oct, 2020
2020-10-5 10:58:07 PM UTC
Someone over on Facebook asked me, so I asked the publisher. They told me
Unfortunately, this title has been out of print for quite some time
I followed up by asking "can I assume this means the book is officially out of print and no new copies will be printed?" and their response was
You are correct – we do not plan to print any new copies at this time.
If you are looking for a copy, you are going to have to keep an eye on the used market.
5 Oct, 2020
2020-10-5 11:35:35 PM UTC
Hopefully that means they'll be putting out a new VERSION....they are, after all, not making any more copies of the EXISTING edition.....
5 Oct, 2020
2020-10-5 11:43:15 PM UTC
No new edition is forthcoming, until Mr. Hammond has one ready.
6 Oct, 2020
2020-10-6 12:26:42 AM UTC
Urulókë wrote:
Someone over on Facebook asked me, so I asked the publisher. They told me
Unfortunately, this title has been out of print for quite some time
For what it's worth/As far as I know, the 4th and last printing to date came in 2012 and although it hasn't been reprinted since, copies were available and still being sold on the Oak Knoll website until fairly recently. I would guess that they finally sold out earlier this year, possibly 2019.
6 Oct, 2020
2020-10-6 9:53:21 AM UTC
Didn't I read somewhere on this site that a new version is on the works? Or did I dream about it?
6 Oct, 2020
2020-10-6 10:38:46 AM UTC
Max wrote:
Didn't I read somewhere on this site that a new version is on the works? Or did I dream about it?
I was thinking the same thing. Sure it was mentioned.
6 Oct, 2020
2020-10-6 12:53:12 PM UTC
This is what it says under "What We're Writing"
Much new data has been collected for a second edition of Wayne’s J.R.R. Tolkien: A Descriptive Bibliography, as well as corrigenda for the first edition (1993, covering works to mid-1992), but it is still premature to predict a date of publication. Oak Knoll Books expressed an interest in publishing a second edition, but much time has passed since they did so, and Wayne will have to reinitiate the discussion.