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27 Mar, 2021
2021-3-27 11:05:23 PM UTC

Mr. Underhill wrote:

What about scrumptious instead of sumptuous? Similar sounding...anyone want to pitch that to HarperCollins?

“Scrumptious” would be Gollum’s description ??
27 Mar, 2021
2021-3-27 11:12:54 PM UTC

Berelach wrote:

Mr. Underhill wrote:

Trotter wrote:

They have already used my suggestion.

Awesome Trotter! You should now suggest that they pay you.

I'd say Trotter deserves at least a quid for that resplendent suggestion.

I agree. Trotter's choice was quite simply refulgent.
27 Mar, 2021
2021-3-27 11:35:45 PM UTC
Cromulent, even.
8 Apr, 2021
2021-4-8 5:09:12 PM UTC
Forthcoming (USA)

Tales from the Perilous Realm
Publisher : Mariner Books (June 1, 2021)
Paperback : 432 pages
ISBN-10 : 0358652960
ISBN-13 : 978-0358652960

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Tales From The Perilous Realm
Tolkien, J.R.R.
Availability: Now

Just a re-release, no known changes/updates.
8 Apr, 2021
2021-4-8 5:15:24 PM UTC
Forthcoming (USA)

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, and Sir Orfeo
Publisher : Mariner Books (July 27, 2021)
Paperback : 256 pages
ISBN-10 : 0358652979
ISBN-13 : 978-0358652977

This site uses affiliate links for which we may be compensated
Sir Gawain And The Green Knight, Pearl, And Sir Orfeo
Tolkien, J.R.R.
Availability: Now

Just a re-release, no known changes/updates.
8 Apr, 2021
2021-4-8 6:20:12 PM UTC
Forthcoming (UK)

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: with Pearl and Sir Orfeo
Publisher : HarperCollins (29 April 2021)
Paperback : 256 pages
ISBN-10 : 0008433933
ISBN-13 : 978-0008433932

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Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

HarperCollins (2021-04-29)

£9.99 HarperCollins (Paperback) - Availability: Click to check
£9.49 (UK Only) - Availability: Click to check
$12.84 Blackwell's (paperback) - Availability: Usually dispatched within 48 hours
$13.99 (Paperback) - Availability: Now
£9.19 (Paperback) - Availability: Now
€9.99 (Taschenbuch) - Availability: Now
$10.61 AbeBooks - Availability: Click to check
$11.30 eBay US - Availability: Click to check
£11.30 eBay UK - Availability: Click to check

Earlier than the just mentioned US edition, with a slightly different title.
8 Apr, 2021
2021-4-8 6:27:21 PM UTC
An update on The Science of Middle-earth

Olwe, you will be pleased to note that there is officially a hyphen in the title now.

Also, the book appears to be available and shipping now from Amazon US, but the UK sites are showing it still as a pre-order with a release date of May 13.

Publisher : Pegasus Books (13 May 2021 in UK)
Hardcover : 432 pages
ISBN-10 : 164313616X
ISBN-13 : 978-1643136165

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The Science of Middle-Earth

Pegasus Books (2021-04-06)

$45.00 (USA Only) - Availability: Click to check
£22.00 (UK Only) - Availability: Click to check
$43.88 Blackwell's (hardback) - Availability: Unknown
$9.86 Biblio - Availability: Click to check
$23.06 (Hardcover) - Availability: Now
£48.66 (Hardcover) - Availability: Now
€27.15 (Gebundene Ausgabe) - Availability: Now
$8.18 AbeBooks - Availability: Click to check
$9.86 eBay US - Availability: Click to check
£9.86 eBay UK - Availability: Click to check
17 Apr, 2021
2021-4-17 9:01:16 AM UTC
A review on reddit of The Science of Middle-Earth, does not cast it in a good light. Interested in views from anyone else who has the book or buys it. ... _new_book_the_science_of/
17 Apr, 2021 (edited)
2021-4-17 12:24:45 PM UTC
Thanks for the link, Trotter. As one of the authors (I wrote the one about archeology, the first one of chapter 2), I have the same main problem : the book wasn't mainly written by Tolkien scholars that know science or are scientists, but by scientists that think they know Tolkien (and most of the time, don't). Only four people, Isabelle Pantin, Michael Devaux, Damien Bador and myself that can pretend to be Tolkien scholar or near enough (I can't pretend to be a scholar, but I'm both a scientist and Tolkien "specialist"), in the lot ; and none of us had read the whole book before its publication in France to maybe correct some big errors. So, it's not a book about science in Tolkien's works, it's a book that use these works to talk about science, except for few articles.

EDIT : to be complete, I will check the errors cited in the reddit post, because, I think there is also some translations imprecisions like the "little man" that would have to be translated by "little boy" pour "petit garçon".
17 Apr, 2021
2021-4-17 1:07:20 PM UTC

Druss wrote:

Thanks for the link, Trotter. As one of the authors (I wrote the one about archeology, the first one of chapter 2), I have the same main problem : the book wasn't mainly written by Tolkien scholars that know science or are scientists, but by scientists that think they know Tolkien (and most of the time, don't). Only four people, Isabelle Pantin, Michael Devaux, Damien Bador and myself that can pretend to be Tolkien scholar or near enough (I can't pretend to be a scholar, but I'm both a scientist and Tolkien "specialist"), in the lot ; and none of us had read the whole book before its publication in France to maybe correct some big errors. So, it's not a book about science in Tolkien's works, it's a book that use these works to talk about science, except for few articles.

EDIT : to be complete, I will check the errors cited in the reddit post, because, I think there is also some translations imprecisions like the "little man" that would have to be translated by "little boy" pour "petit garçon".

I think it is worth mentioning Druss that I (and I am sure others feel the same but I can't speak for them naturally) am very appreciative of your candiddness here about this volume. I am sure others will find this collection useful but given the amount of books I buy I have to discriminate where I can so decided against this volume. That is not to say I wish it poor sales, just that it doesn't appear to meet the research I am interested in so again, thank you.
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