Come hang out with TolkienGuide on Saturday 15th May
17 Apr, 2021
2021-4-17 6:14:18 PM UTC
2021-4-17 6:14:18 PM UTC

Discussion Panel, Collector’s Corner: Collecting as a retreat from the modern world
Saturday May 15th 11:00-12:00 EST (GMT-5)
Do you fancy yourself a Tolkien collector and want to show off your Tolkien stuff? Do you not have much yourself but want to bask in the glory of other’s collections? Perhaps you want to or are thinking about wading into the murky waters of collecting Tolkien but are not sure where to start? Join Jeremy Edmonds (Urulókë), Andrew Ferguson (Trotter), and Chad High (Mr. Underhill) of, who will be hosting an event with collectors showcasing some of their favorite, unusual, precious, and noteworthy items of their collections. All are welcome!
The Tolkien Collector's Guide website was founded in 2005 and launched officially in 2006 after another Tolkien collecting discussion forum folded, and the regulars wanted to stay connected and continue our various adventures in Tolkien collecting. The community and the website has grown ever since.

Alan Sisto from the Prancing Pony Podcast chats with Urulókë and Trotter at Tolkien2019
Panel members
- Jeremy Edmonds (Urulókë)
I am a Tolkien collector living in California, and owner/operator of the Tolkien Collector's Guide website. My collection is as scattered as my mind usually is, with a large number of Tolkien books, a significant number of vintage fanzines, posters, original fan art, secondary works about Tolkien and his writings, and foreign editions. My favorite book is The Lord of the Rings. I have a large number of maps of Middle-earth. I don't have the space to shelve and display everything appropriately, so I have built a storage system that keeps everything safe and (mostly) accessible.

One corner of my collection
Twitter: TolkienGuide
Instagram: TolkienGuide
- Chad High (Mr. Underhill)
I am a Tolkien collector and enthusiast living in Houston Texas USA. I pay the bills as Teacher/Lecturer/Adjunct Professor. My collection consists mostly of English language books by and about Tolkien. Like Trotter, my favorite Tolkien book is The Hobbit. My favorite Tolkien book is also whichever one I’m currently reading.

Hobbits from 7 decades(1950's-2010's) & other various early Tolkien printings
I am founder and chair of the Houston Tolkien Society, affectionately nicknamed the Friends of Mr. Underhill. I first encountered The Hobbit as a small boy one summer at a secondhand bookstore. For more on this story and other cool info look for my forthcoming essay in Amon Hen, the bi-monthly bulletin of the Tolkien Society, titled “A Tolkien Treasury”

Complete set of "deluxe" editions issued by HarperCollins over the last 17 years

Early to later printings of the 1st US editions of LOTR, a set of 1st edition UK LOTR without dustjackets, the "bible" editions issued by HarperCollins in the early 2000's
Facebook: chad.high.566
Instagram: @grandalf_the_grey
Email for TheTexasTolkienTalk Podcast (forthcoming): [email protected]
- Andrew Ferguson (Trotter)
I am a Tolkien collector from Essex in England. I work in IT in London for a multinational company. My collection is UK Tolkien books, ephemera, posters and artwork. My favourite Tolkien book is The Hobbit.

UK Hobbits from 1937 (1st Impression) - 1961 (12th Impression)

UK Hobbits from 1961 (13th Impression) - 1975 (24th Impression)
I first encountered Tolkien while still at school in 1975, when my teacher read The Hobbit to the class. I bought my first copy of The Lord of the Rings in 1978 (the Film tie-in edition) with the Nazgûl from Ralph Bakshi's film on the cover. This is my favourite copy of The Lord of the Rings because it was new to me when I read this book.

George Allen & Unwin hardbacks from 1978
Twitter: @Trotter_Tolkien
Reddit: u/Trotter999
Additional information the Prancing Pony Podcast Moot 2021

The PPP Moot is on 14th-16th May 2021 and you can find more information at
You need to have registered for the Moot in order to attend this panel. Hope to see you on the 15th May